shock in a sentence 4

Use ‘shock’ in a sentence | ‘shock’ example sentences

150- “I’m still in shock” Young announced the move to senior UW staff members on Monday.

151- Note: Cutting tuition will soothe sticker shock, but it may not fatten your wallet.

152- All of us were in shock so the emphasis was getting them on the bus,” Mrs Luke said.

153- Wouldn’t shock me if they kept him and tried to get Barner through waivers to the PS.

154- There are no words to describe our shock, horror and grief, they said in a statement.

155- “He has been on remand for the past four months, which has been a shock to the system.

156- May I suggest replacing “shock” with words that convey some empathy and understanding?

157- It’s a tremendous loss for all of us, a shock for the family especially, Polizzi said.

158- 45053And also there would be a big psychological shock in Brussels after a no”” vote.”

159- Griner plays for the defending champion Phoenix Mercury and Johnson for the Tulsa shock.

160- How to Deal In a perfect world, DST wouldn’t shock our circadian rhythms twice annually.

161- “I think both my travel companion and I are going thru a period of shock, delayed shock.

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