shipyards in a sentence 2

Use ‘shipyards’ in a sentence | ‘shipyards’ example sentences

50- Sarushima was launched by the Mitsubishi Yokohama shipyards on December 16, 1933, and was commissioned into service on July 20, 1934.

51- In 1832, James Howard founded the Howard shipyards making Clark County a leader in ship building and bringing with it economic growth.

52- shipyards also came under growing pressure from the subsidized Japanese and Korean enterprises.

53- There once was an iron and steel factory, and the area around Hang Hau Village was famous for the shipyards.

54- This was necessary because British shipyards were too overcrowded and busy to construct submarines at this time.

55- These shipyards were all eventually closed from the early 1960s however, when the company opted to consolidate its operations in Belfast.

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