shedding in a sentence

Use ‘shedding’ in a sentence | ‘shedding’ example sentences

1- But those officials are probably shedding crocodile tears .

2- The suit has excellent wind breaking and water shedding ability.

3- Many other firms are quietly shedding staff.

4- HP is shedding thousands of employees through layoffs.

5- He is sharing perspective, shedding light.

6- Be realistic – shedding weight shouldn’t happen overnight.

7- Things like vortex shedding can cause excitation.

8- Try shedding tears for two solid weeks.

9- I envy my mother every tear she is shedding .

10- I too started shedding at an alarming rate.

11- I did however notice an increase in hair shedding .

12- Their feathers are excellent at shedding water due to special oils.

13- The star was desperate to pose after shedding 15lb.

14- What happens when a comet begins shedding ice?

15- Frequently clean the fan grill when trees are shedding leaves.

16- She has been shedding a lot this summer.

17- They are shedding light on things without directly telling you.

18- The shedding of his blood was final.

19- They fled together, shedding tears of joy.

20- I’m pleased the skin shedding is normal.

21- The Scriptures are shedding light on hell.

22- At some point , shedding jobs becomes necessary.

23- Banks are shedding assets , cutting costs and increasing capital reserves.

24- shedding man tears is something wholly other–yet emotionally significant.

25- More sophisticated arrangements such as “power shedding ” are often employed.

26- The degree of shedding will also vary.

27- He is shedding votes by the day.

28- Moving onto early 2008 I set about shedding some excess weight.

29- Thanks again for shedding light on this incredibly important distinction!

30- Another issue that can result from poor diet is excessive shedding .

31- I’m just shedding a little wisdom.

32- Does the fact that government is shedding jobs not matter?

33- Weight loss success means shedding pounds and not regaining it.

34- And the coat is almost completely shedding twice a year.

35- The coat only needs to be brushed during shedding season.

36- There’s no magic solution to shedding .

37- It takes months for the shedding to stabilize.

38- I see less shedding which is better than more shedding.

39- I see less shedding which is better than more shedding .

40- You were even shedding tears over him. I cannot read this book without shedding tears.

41- Our cat is shedding fur all over the furniture.

42- Your skin renews itself every 28 days by shedding dead cells.

43- shedding the Google+ connection is one great way to accomplish that.

44- shedding her heels, she walked barefoot in the sand, in obvious relief.

45- The company disclosed last week it was shedding much of its finance business.

46- The bleeding has been steady with the Dow shedding about 100 points each day.

47- Herpes virus is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact (asymptomatic shedding).

48- We’re shedding light on the horror of war, which costs less than another war would.

49- U.S. shares were set to drift lower, with Dow and S&P 500 futures shedding 0.1 percent.

50- By sector, the construction industry was one of the biggest losers, shedding 28,400 jobs.

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