shameful in a sentence 2

Use ‘shameful’ in a sentence | ‘shameful’ example sentences

50- There is an Azerbaijani proverb which states that it’s not shameful not to know, but it’s shameful not to ask.

51- The treatment of Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War is one of the most shameful episodes in the nation’s history.

52- The forced displacement of Japanese-Canadians during the Second World War is one of the most shameful chapters in that country’s history.

53- 683764The attitude of refugee-opponents is shameful,”” Sammer said.”

54- And what he’s saying now is not only shameful and wrong, it’s dangerous.”

55- “It is shameful that Labour now claim they want to get tough on immigration.

56- She called his continued hammering of immigrants here illegally as “shameful.”

57- That we’re unworthy, shameful and unlovable, and should be punished for our err.

58- 459969LGBT groups decried the move, describing it as foul, reckless and shameful.”””

59- There were many odious features of the bill, many shameful trade-offs and trade-outs.

60- France: For once, the residents of what Doctors Without Borders calls this “shameful..

61- Politicians have deemed the trend “shameful” as Germany awaits 450,000 asylum seekers.

62- Greek society has had tons of problems, including with shameful things like corruption.

63- The most urgent, the most disgraceful, the most shameful and the most tragic problem is silence.

64- On Saturday, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Trump’s comments were “shameful“.

65- But while the acquittal was shameful it was not a shock.

66- This democracy will not agree to a shameful peace; our successors will not condone it.

67- Kenshiro did not know the real cause of Ryuken’s death, having been told that Ryuken died from illness, until Toki revealed the shameful secret during their first battle.

68- Kelly’s promoter Tommy Gilmour stated that “that was shameful.

69- The shameful chipping of the beautiful carving has been going on for years.

70- Calling Kodama a “shameful person”, he considered the lobbyist’s acceptance of money from Lockheed to be a national disgrace.

71- Chilliheetza refused, knowing that the boys’ motivation was not political but caused by drink, and chastised them for their shameful behaviour.

72- Falkner: Ramillies 1706: Year of Miracles, 105 In the words of Marshal Villars, the French defeat at Ramillies was – “The most shameful, humiliating and disastrous of routs.

73- Magic can be amplified by consuming black powder but this act is looked down upon in the society and regarded as shameful.

74- Braidwood stated “This tragic case is at its heart a story of shameful conduct by a few officers.

75- ” Jacques Chirac reportedly said in private that Sarkozy’s speech was “appalling” and “a shameful act”.

76- Henry does not stay angry with her but lets her get over her shameful thoughts and actions in her own time and does not mention them to her again.

77- The regional languages and dialects were slighted and suppressed, and so locals had an inferiority complex about their “bad” and “shameful” languages.

78- And “subjoining” a key, which is in the end no key at all, represents, literary speaking, a “scandal” as shameful as the topical misdeeds that are told.

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