shackle in a sentence

Use ‘shackle’ in a sentence | ‘shackle’ example sentences

1- The economic shackles that were once demanded are being somewhat loosened .

2- The shackle pin should be securely wired.

3- He remained shackled throughout the court appearance .

4- Our forces were shackled during the conflict .

5- Political correctness is shackling our common sense .

6- The political collapse of 1990–1991 loosened the shackles .

7- Being shackled within a duality is a restrictive prison.

8- Slowly the shackles began coming off women’s rights.

9- Communication was still physically shackled to the earth.

10- Many wont ever feel the shackles , period.

11- But why shackle yourself to that horror?

12- But why wear human shackles at all?

13- He appeared in court wearing shackles around his wrists and ankles.

14- Rise up runners, and shake off those metric shackles .

15- The two played escaped convicts shackled to each other.

16- Working more than is necessary for subsistence shackles people.

17- The shackles of the soul are stamped in silicon.

18- On the lower shelf of the table are shackles .

19- US officials insisted he be shackled during the flight.

20- Religious people ‘s minds are shackled with such restrictions.

21- An AN115-21 shackle terminated the cable.

22- Jake’s shackle unfolds and becomes a weapon.

23- There were no stops behind the back shackles .

24- They touch our country and their shackles fall!

25- Neck and wrists are shackled to a post.

26- The offside front wheel had been clamped with a locking shackle .

27- It must not be shackled or restricted.

28- Break off the shackles of the earth.

29- Can we not shackle whom we choose ?

30- He was stripped naked, shackled and questioned by a psychiatrist.

31- Cattle were not shackled and hoisted until unconsciousness was confirmed.

32- Wanting the best education shouldn’t mean being shackled financially.

33- No more oppression, no more shackles , no more exploitation.

34- Harris appeared in court in shackles and a blue jail uniform .

35- It allows instructors that freedom, the shackles come off.

36- Is it really worth the shackle and the money wasted?

37- Hoffman is then left shackled in the bathroom to die.

38- Dan prefers not to be shackled down by worldly goods.

39- Today is the day to shake off the shackles !

40- No shackle can stop the beast about to strike . DW’s Samira shackle listens to people’s frustrations and hopes as the country counts its votes.

41- The pin may be captive, which means it is mated to the shackle, usually with a wire.

42- The blog was suggested by Eric shackle, a journalist in his late eighties, who was interested in promoting the idea that one is never too old for the internet.

43- shackle 1970:240 He grouped as “southern Lahnda” the dialects that are now recognized as Multani or Saraiki.

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