shabbiness in a sentence

Use ‘shabbiness’ in a sentence | ‘shabbiness’ example sentences

1- Low winter sunlight betrayed all it touched in shabbiness and dusty surfaces.

2- It’s aiming for something more soulful and wears its charming shabbiness with pride.

3- Modesty and neatness yield to slouchiness and shabbiness in dress and grooming.

4- The overall impression is one of rather old-fashioned comfort marred by a degree of shabbiness .

5- Hana is shocked by the shabbiness of the store, another one of her disappointments.

6- The peasant class crowded near the entrance door, where the gloom dealt tenderly with their shabbiness .

7- shabbiness she had expected, but not dirt and this air of something disreputable lurking though unseen.

8- The shabbiness of the district and the dingy gloom of the school itself meant nothing to Clara.

9- The hotel was continually losing patronage because of its shabbiness and she thought of herself as also shabby.

10- It was not a comfortable environment for the boarders, but its very shabbiness made it liveable in.

11- Similarly in smaller conferences, shabbiness and tattiness of surroundings stick out more; everyone is closer to them.

12- Penny-pinching and shabbiness rule the state, the military is in disarray, and the Chinese may soon invade.

13- Morning light streamed through the window searching out the shabbiness and the dust, the peeling walls and cobwebbed corners.

14- But the shabbiness does indicate one other quality that is obligatory; the private-eye must be a man of integrity.

15- Indeed , one of the most endearing things about Cern when you visit is precisely this sense of pervading shabbiness .

16- It seemed as though the prison’s poverty, and shabbiness , and dirt, were growing in the sultry atmosphere.

17- And hell, I was in the Italian part of Switzerland, which still had a very attractive shabbiness to it.

18- The house has seen better days, but its eccentric shabbiness suits the group’s raffish life style and intensive work habits.

19- In 1966, University officials proposed renovations to reverse the ” shabbiness ” and deterioration seen in older buildings such as Blackstone.

20- The poverty and misery and shabbiness which were inauspicious enough to put them off, did not have that effect on you.

21- So perhaps if we notice and show compassion and share our good fortune we can help erase the shabbiness , the submission and the loneliness of my bag lady and other unfortunate people.

22- She folded her arms over her chest, uncomfortably aware of the shabbiness of her old pink housecoat, uncomfortably aware of an anger sizzling at the back of those eyes.

23- Although plain, even to shabbiness , in his own costume, and usually attired in black, no one ever understood better than he how to arrange such exhibitions in striking and artistic style.

24- He had rarely seen Mr. or Mrs. Weasley wearing anything that the Dursleys would call “normal.” Their children might don Muggle clothing during the holidays, but Mr. and Mrs. Weasley usually wore long robes in varying states of shabbiness .

25- One reason often given for the dispersal of books is their appearance , and not their physical state – any shabbiness or indication that people might actually be reading them – but the visual appeal of their dust-jacket design.

26- Mr Hurd recalled the last Lib-Lab pact in the late 1970s as ‘a period of shabbiness and indecision’ and a time without social or economic achievement in which the Labour government lived from hand to mouth.

27- The old houses were at their best in it, their shabbiness , the cracks in their fabric veiled, as an ageing face is veiled and smoothed by candlelight.

28- Vain idiot, Briant thought, suddenly conscious of the obvious age of his own gray suit and the shabbiness of his faded blue shirt.

29- The dowager did her best to satisfy the nobility by trailing a number of them off to France, and getting pensions for them – even if some, like the master of Ruthven, complained about the shabbiness of the pay-off:.

30- Blanche, dressed in a fluttering white garden party outfit, jars with the shabbiness and menace of the neighborhood from her first appearance.

31- The afternoon sunlight poured through the tall window behind the curving staircase, and showed – up the shabbiness of the curtains, and the rugs on the uneven polished oak floor.

32- The current station and Pallasades shopping centre were completed in 1967 and have become the subject of criticism for the congestion of the station and shabbiness of the shopping centre and parts of the station.

33- It allowed Julia to see the glowing rose colours of the chintz and also to notice the shabbiness of the well-washed paintwork and the cracks in the ceiling.

34- But it is not merely that shabbiness makes the great house seem less daunting: in its decay, it becomes acceptable as part of English history.

35- The very shabbiness of Hamley Hall in Wives and Daughters endears it to the reader; its neglected beauty makes it a home as the grand and prosperous Towers is not.

36- It was a pleasing interlude in privileged lives to which the alien shabbiness of the town beyond the hotel gardens, and the very remoteness of the place on the edge of the civilized world, added a whiff of adventure and glamour.

37- Mary speaks of her frustration with their summer home, its impermanence and shabbiness , and her husband’s indifference to his surroundings.

38- The sun, slanting in through the window, showed up the faded shabbiness of the room, but outside the treetops were golden and the bees were loud in the roses.

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