sewers in a sentence 2

Use ‘sewers’ in a sentence | ‘sewers’ example sentences

51- 813 quickly escapes Command post Sigma and finds his way towards the sewers through a collapsed office building, where he fights Abominations and wards off Alma Wade’s attack.

52- Roads were made, houses were built and sewers were laid.

53- He’s ultimately kidnapped by Bernice and pulled into the sewers.

54- She also secured funding for improvements to the roads and sewers.

55- Olrik himself evades the police by making his way through the sewers.

56- This is more common in “Stinky sewers“, where the walls can be unstable.

57- Where private sewers operated for profit, the local board could purchase them.

58- Hadfield 1967, p. 81 There was friction between the new owners and the Commissioners of sewers.

59- The only survivors from the Warsaw Uprising and Warsaw Ghetto made their final escape through city sewers.

60- In his final encounter with the characters, Yokuba presumably dies as he explodes and falls into the sewers.

61- As Hawkeye and Patriot attempt to flee into the sewers, they find themselves approached by Barton as Captain America.

62- He searches for an escape route and finds a manhole down to the sewers where he takes Marius just before Javert arrives.

63- The gameplay focuses on Mario’s extermination of pests in the sewers by flipping them on their backs and kicking them away.

64- Heavy rainfall caused the sewers to overflow, flooding large areas of the Danish capital and killing approximately half the rats.

65- In Newark, a city worker is pulled underwater in the sewers but is rescued by his co-worker.

66- Guards soon chased the creature through the sewers but they were told to take the creature alive.

67- The sewage works were linked to the intercepting sewers and took all of Paisley’s sewage and industrial effluent for treatment.

68- Brian overhears Meadows decide to trap The Blob in the sewers, and that he is willing to let Meg, Kevin, and Eddie die to do so.

69- Clarify * Javert follows Valjean through the sewers, whereas in the book he stands near the only other exit of the sewer patiently.

70- Meanwhile, an armed and irrational Leela has pursued her still-hooded parents through the sewers, back to the home with the shrine to herself.

71- Majini zombies tunnel into the prison through the sewers and a giant axe-wielding monster begins the process of breaking down the gate outside.

72- However, as self-proclaimed experts copied each other, the term “armscye” eventually became widely enough used by home sewers to gain general acceptance.

73- The green roof is designed to reduce heating and cooling costs, extend the lifespan of the roof membrane, and decrease storm water runoff and pollutants into storm sewers.

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