sewage in a sentence 2

Use ‘sewage’ in a sentence | ‘sewage’ example sentences

51- A lot of the pollution in the marine environment of this area comes from homes with deteriorating sewage systeMs. Cruise ships generate up to 25,000 gallons of sewage per day and can legally dump raw sewage in the ocean only 3 miles from shore.

52- About 90,000 people have signed a petition against the sewage dumping plan.

53- Water activities will be forbidden during the time allotted for the sewage dump.

54- An old cast iron pipe used to pump the sewage at a safer depth of around 70 feet.

55- The sewage will be diverted through discharge points along the St. Lawrence River.

56- 589729Retired from public service, Lawrence is shown at work repairing sewage pumps.

57- But they will complete the spending of 570 million euros on sewage works by next year.

58- The virus is shed in their feces and may be able to linger in sewage for weeks or more.

59- The high-tech city has some antique sewage pipes that were installed during the Gold Rush.

60- But the stench of raw sewage still greets travelers arriving at Rio’s international airport.

61- In addition to Windsor, there are nine other areas of the province that discharge raw sewage.

62- Fort Edmonton needs to update its infrastructure including sewage, water, electricity and gas.

63- When the plant is offline, sewage is sent to a lagoon where it’s filtered and cleaned over time.

64- There was an oily film on it and you knew there was sewage and everything in the world in there.

65- The water is clean here, at the spring, but it turns into a sewage canal a few hundred meters away.

66- It wasn’t immediately clear if the shutdown was causing raw sewage to flow directly into the Meramec.

67- Kahikina says the storm water entered the sewage system as leaves and debris clogged the storm drains.

68- Acrid miasmas coiled from ventilation ducts and sewage flooded avenues.

69- These microalgae are not associated with sewage but occur unpredictably as algal blooms .

70- Discharge of sewage also contributes to nutrient loading which further promotes excessive algal growth .

71- Wastewater and sewage enter the lake untreated and this enhances algal growth and eutrophication.

72- The egg-shaped sewage treatment tanks of the plant can be seen at right.

73- “Pulverised fuel ash products solve the sewage sludge problems of the wastewater industry”.

74- Myrina also boasts a good provincial hospital, in the Tchas quarter, while presently is in the process of modernising its sewage system.

75- MWRA uses the railroad to transport solid sewage waste (sludge) from its sewage treatment plant to a privately owned processing facility.

76- Expanding sewage treatment capacity Some cities have expanded their basic sewage treatment capacity to handle some or all of the CSO volume.

77- Presence of diatoms in water indicates pollution by sewage.

78- When playing as Grant, the player must avoid falling into the sewage and shut off the steam vents to navigate.

79- So far new sewage treatment plants have been completed, and the plan is supposed to significantly improve the river’s quality by 2010.

80- Joveys Lock was quite shallow, and has been re-used as a course for the Wyrley Brook, which was diverted to accommodate a sewage works.

81- During high rainfall events the combined sewage-stormwater drain often overflows, discharging raw human excrement directly into the creek.

82- They include: grading and paving roads, implementing a sewage/drainage system and providing access to potable water at various points throughout town.

83- Regarding sewage bills they are currently levied and collected only in neighborhoods where a network exists and are a percentage of water bills (70%).

84- The decaying matter was unsightly, smelt offensive and attracted flies, especially when sewage from the town’s primitive drainage system mixed with it.

85- Final days In late August 1944 the company, numbering only around 100 soldiers, evacuated through the sewage canals to the Warszawa-Śródmieście (Warsas city center).

86- The River Team has long been regarded as one of the most polluted rivers in the area due to the discharges from sewage works near Lamesley and heavy industry in the Team Valley.

87- These subsidies are channeled through various funds, such as the Water Networks Rehabilitation Fund, the National sewage Program and the Wastewater Renovation and Reuse Program.

88- Their job included collecting sewage from houses.

89- Oil and sewage pollution also threaten this duck.

90- Dockside Green treats its own sewage using a specialized process designed by Zenon of Canada.

91- Once a polluted waterway due to raw sewage and industrial runoff, it has become cleaner in recent years.

92- sewage was to be redirected elsewhere by two new city projects, though these weren’t completed until 1875.

93- Besides having no sewage system there is significant contamination with mercury due to the mining practices.

94- Fines 2002, p. 46. Poor urban planning and the lack of piped water and sewage disposal made living conditions dangerous.

95- An archaeological watching brief was carried out in 2008 when South West Water had to replace a sewage pipeline at Porth.

96- Lubaczów has good and well-lighted roads, modern water, sewage, gas and power systems as well as a new sewage treatment plant.

97- Today, Istanbul has a chlorinated and filtered water supply and a sewage disposal system managed by the government agency İSKİ.

98- Rising gas bubbles betray the decomposition of sewage sludge that on a warm, sultry day produces the canal’s notable ripe stench.

99- The Murray sewer treatment plant treats 4 million gallons of sewage per day and is connected with miles ( km) of sanitary sewer piping.

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