series in a sentence

Use ‘series’ in a sentence | ‘series’ example sentences

1- The optional series key column must contain unique values.

2- series entrance fee is $1500 per team.

3- The 1 2 1 4 series is more jagged.

4- The 1 2 4 2 series is better balanced.

5- The whole series went downhill around 2005.

6- Each game inside series is becoming extremely popular.

7- This series is geared towards muscle imbalances.

8- The series has collected 14 bound volumes .

9- These three video poetry series aired frequently until 1992.

10- His weekly graduate seminar series encouraged vigorous debate.

11- This trend continued through each subsequent series .

12- The series comprises five games across three gaming platforms.

13- The third series received generally favourable reviews.

14- The third series includes nine main cast members.

15- The series is shot using 35 mm film.

16- The series has been ongoing since 1998.

17- The series has received generally positive reviews.

18- The series score was 4 – 1.

19- The series has been played annually since 1971.

20- The second production series featured several improvements.

21- The complete series is 151⁄2 hours long.

22- The series website listed eleven main cast members.

23- Time series models estimate difference equations containing stochastic components.

24- Two more series were issued until 1913.

25- She makes occasional appearances throughout each series .

26- The series has received mostly positive reviews.

27- The series was canceled six issues later.

28- The series lasted ten episodes before being cancelled.

29- The anime television series received mostly praise.

30- The series episodes last 27 minutes each.

31- The series spawned numerous popular surreal characters.

32- The complete series probably had 16 individual panels.

33- A series resonant circuit provides voltage magnification.

34- The 90x series were commercial machines.

35- The 900 series were 18 bit binary computers.

36- The second series has 4 available engine types.

37- Time series are very frequently plotted via line charts.

38- There were 3 side event during series 3.

39- The series has been received largely positive.

40- The network primarily broadcasts reality television series . Hitman Absolution is also another great entry and reboot to the series.

41- Contributors in the series include artists, audiobook narrators, and compilation or abridgement editors.

42- HS is more than a series of recurring abscesses .

43- All the above-mentioned methods involve recording tilt series of a given specimen field.

44- They gave a series of concerts.

45- All life is a series of activities.

46- His life was a long series of failures.

47- She made a series of medical discoveries.

48- Life is by no means a series of failures.

49- The pioneers have overcome a series of obstacles.

50- The third in the series was a level above the rest.

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