sensationalist in a sentence

Use ‘sensationalist’ in a sentence | ‘sensationalist’ example sentences

1- The books purchased omitted sensationalist and cheap romances.

2- Its headlines are usually rife with inaccurate, sensationalist reporting.

3- Some critics described the film as ” sensationalist “.

4- What kind of sensationalist crap headline is this .

5- One can’t really retract sensationalist PR.

6- The documentary was criticised as sensationalist , unbalanced and unethical.

7- Is the constitution sensationalist propaganda or really make sense?

8- It had that sensationalist aspect about it.

9- It was a given the media would run with sensationalist stories.

10- sensationalist news stories about India often reinforce preconceived ideas.

11- Jesus Christ what a load of sensationalist crap.

12- Kikukawa dismissed the article as “tabloid, sensationalist journalism”.

13- A personal anecdote has been twisted and dogpiled on by sensationalists .

14- They condemn Gibney ‘s ” sensationalist ” editing and narration.

15- It is the right not to be exploited for sensationalist profit .

16- It’s untrue, sensationalist , stirring and unpleasantly sectarian.

17- His account is more sensationalist and anecdotal than that of his contemporary.

18- The article also keeps throwing out the sensationalist “Satanist” label.

19- Glick has a notorious reputation as a sensationalist and conspiracy theorist journalist.

20- He and his team devise a sensationalist and attention-grabbing newscast.

21- RTV Pink has been criticized as sensationalist and vapid.

22- Amid sensationalist headlines, Fisher divorced Reynolds and married Taylor in 1959.

23- Other authors criticized Hurston for her sensationalist representation of voodoo.

24- All sensationalist bloggers wanted was to have something to complain about the iPhone.

25- At present, regional news broadcasts have the tone of a modified sensationalist journalism.

26- This is bunk, perpetrated by Western media firms who excel at sensationalist hype.

27- Jones, Victor G., Saint or sensationalist ? 1988.

28- But unlike Buyology, Brandwashed borders on sensationalist .

29- This monastery needs to be protected from irresponsible and greedy and sensationalist business activities.

30- Sorry, seems like a bit of a sensationalist story line to me.

31- Except that McQueen is not a schlockmeister sensationalist but a remorseless artist.

32- Sapphire asserted that much of what she wrote about was unfortunately not sensationalist fiction.

33- These are just fools who realized they could get money by exploiting sensationalist media.

34- It now features more sensationalist stories, snappy headlines, and Page3 parties.

35- Those articles were often sensationalist and tended to put the society in a bad light.

36- What was surprising was the sensationalist tone of reporting from some of the broadsheets.

37- It was condemned by the British government, while tabloid newspapers denounced it as sensationalist .

38- I ‘m not going to throw accusations around and condemn the writer for being sensationalist .

39- This cover and its headline received criticism from some commentators for being sensationalist and misleading.

40- It sound to me that there is some money being passed around for sensationalist stories . sensationalist photos of car accidents and murder victims generally provoke both outrage and fascination.

41- The Sun newspaper ran the sensationalist grenade-related headline “Soccer Marches to War!

42- Gabriel Webb is a true-crime writer who longs to create more cerebral stories than his sensationalist editors like.

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