semblance in a sentence

Use ‘semblance’ in a sentence | ‘semblance’ example sentences

1- There is some semblance of a plot.

2- Change and motion are not semblance and are truly real.

3- All that semblance of seasonal good cheer.

4- Some national governments provided only a semblance of support.

5- Broadway shows can barely muster much semblance of a pit orchestra.

6- Those batsmen also had some semblance of technique .

7- Or even being some semblance of himself .

8- City do briefly muster a semblance of resistance.

9- The main office gradually returned to a semblance of normality.

10- He hasn’t made a semblance of a mistake.

11- But Bachmann has never fit into any semblance of normal .

12- It may have some semblance of a popular vote.

13- Even this semblance of life was interesting on that lonely river.

14- But such a position has not the semblance of probability.

15- But really we should have some semblance of team play here.

16- The Wheeler family is denied every semblance of normalcy and privacy.

17- These skeletons have been given a semblance of life through necromancy.

18- A semblance of peace descended on the parsonage once more.

19- Second half saw some semblance of traditional BWFC assert itself.

20- Insanity had displaced even a remote semblance of normality.

21- What it needed was a semblance of victimhood.

22- It was not vintage United but there was a semblance .

23- The Founders at least had the semblance of a court.

24- From then on, any semblance of normal life became impossible.

25- It is this quality that gives them the semblance of life!

26- Evidently there were problems in maintaining even a semblance of leadership.

27- But there may just be a semblance of hope .

28- Some French regiments retained a semblance of discipline after suffering enormous losses.

29- My last semblance of confidence crumbled and I felt a total failure .

30- The play – significantly – only has a semblance of a plot.

31- Byrne brought some semblance of relief with a neat kick upfield.

32- That means maintaining some semblance of unity amongst the staff and players.

33- The Universities galvanize dead languages into a semblance of life.

34- Insiders say any semblance of an organisation has been abandoned.

35- This suggests some semblance of stabilisation at a national level .

36- You have some semblance of a decent idea in the post.

37- Even having some semblance of content will give you a direction.

38- Thus he imparted to them the semblance of a regular army.

39- Nevertheless, it is important to achieve a semblance of coherent form.

40- And do not dread what may present the semblance of flattery. There is not even a semblance of proof.

41- James Luceno, ISBN 0-7566-1128-8 As Emperor, however, Palpatine abandons any semblance of democracy, as noted in A New Hope, when he abolishes the Imperial Senate.

42- The barbaric Saxons pose a particular threat to reestablishing a semblance of order in the land.

43- The name “Tactical” also bares marked phonetic semblance to Talisker, thus giving an additional clue to its source.

44- Morgan 2010, p. 362. They also arranged a semblance of uniform; camouflage overalls, trousers, basketball shoes, and a t-shirt.

45- They are undead vikings that retain some semblance of intelligence, and who delight in the suffering that they cause.

46- This was followed by some extra effort by the government to bring back some semblance of order in the area. trade.

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