seaward in a sentence

Use ‘seaward’ in a sentence | ‘seaward’ example sentences

1- The seaward ledge is more vertical and intact.

2- Above these seaward facing rooms were the family bedrooms.

3- On the seaward side the land slopes more gently.

4- At the seaward end is a lighthouse.

5- On the seaward side, the wall was much lower.

6- Two faced seaward and another two faced the river.

7- The subsided continental crust is marked by normal faults that dip seaward .

8- Its extent seaward is ten fathoms of water.

9- The lighthouse is located on the seaward face of the peninsula.

10- From this ledge climb the seaward face to the summit.

11- Only part of the wall remains, on the seaward side.

12- Offshore – The geographic area that lies seaward of the coastline.

13- The fort commanded seaward approaches to the City of Savannah.

14- Each evening during those days, the ship would retire to seaward .

15- Lighthouse painted white with black horizontal bands only on the seaward side.

16- Many yards to seaward the brig had struck and gone to pieces.

17- Around the seaward side of the manning parade runs the terreplein.

18- Wind frequently pushes dust plumes seaward along the Namibian coast.

19- seaward , the compound opened onto a walled-in anchorage.

20- Not all memorable sightings were on the seaward side of the wall.

21- The lowest, most northerly point is the slabby seaward Cliff.

22- The seaward line up of beautiful sailing vessels all sport retractable keels.

23- The patient is positioned on the seaward side of a designated buoy.

24- Using the last known estimated position the lifeboat began to search to seaward .

25- By 1968 the seaward end of the pier had been closed and abandoned.

26- A stone archway in the seaward wall spanned a tall ironwork gate.

27- Note the stone protection around the “T” at the seaward end.

28- Beyond extends Raven Wall, then the seaward Cliff.

29- The rock of Monaco at the base is their last ineffectual seaward protest.

30- But it is the seaward view which arrests and detains the eye.

31- Outside there is a large patio on the seaward side with excellent views.

32- For the Camilla was moving seaward .

33- ASCENT: The seaward face has four routes following the most prominent features.

34- The lithosphere thins seaward as it transitions seaward to oceanic crust.

35- The lithosphere thins seaward as it transitions seaward to oceanic crust.

36- Occurs towards the seaward edge of saltmarshes.

37- Accordingly, “Bunch” retired to seaward and resumed screening until needed elsewhere.

38- Local refits were also carried out on the seaward Defence Boats.

39- This fringing seaward reef shelf comprises an area of approximately 35.2 km2.

40- The Queen’s Gate on the sparsely populated seaward side saw little use. Coast Guard Capt. Jennifer Williams said the slicks were moving seaward, not toward other beaches.

41- Sorenson is correct in pointing out that the expression “seaward” in Palestine commonly means west.

42- The RC-121s, EC-121s and Texas Towers, it was believed, would contribute to extending contiguous east-coast radar coverage some 300 to 500 miles seaward.

43- Oil geologists predict that there will be considerable oil deposits at the seaward margins of the gulf.

44- seaward lies the Coral Sea, the Great Barrier Reef and Lagoon, Rockingham Bay and Hinchinbrook Channel.

45- They were far too drunk to post lookouts and therefore did not notice a Spanish galleon coming from seaward and anchor.

46- Relieved by Samuel N. Moore (DD-747) as fire support ship, Worcester patrolled in company with Brush (DD-745) to seaward of the fire support area for the night.

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