seawall in a sentence

Use ‘seawall’ in a sentence | ‘seawall’ example sentences

1- seawall construction has existed since ancient times.

2- And the seawall repair is finally moving forward.

3- It is punctuated by numerous seawalls cutting the shore.

4- The wave crashes over the seawall carrying away ever.

5- Some perch were caught off the seawall near Gibraltar.

6- Damage was extensive to buildings along the seawall .

7- The groundwater is piling up behind the seawall .

8- The existence of a natural seawall created a natural safe harbor.

9- The seawall protecting the station was replaced in 1976-78.

10- Most of the affected seawalls were degrading or poorly reinforced.

11- seawall , boat dock, and beach access included.

12- The Royal Regiment were trapped against the impenetrable seawall .

13- The rocks became the foundation for the seawall .

14- Even the seawall was hard to paddle out next to.

15- seawalls just move the wave energy parallel to the coast .

16- High seas there damaged a portion of a seawall .

17- Photos showed two-story-high waves crashing against seawalls .

18- It can allow access from any seawall to any floating dock.

19- They worked to extend the seawall along the riverfront.

20- Like seawalls , revetments armor and protect the land behind them.

21- Located on Hodbarrow Point east of the mining company seawall .

22- It had the first seawall on Wawasee made of logs.

23- At Hamilton, the waves surpassed seawalls and produced spray onto coastal streets.

24- With the modern practice , however, no such vertical seawall is built.

25- Select businesses along the seawall will also offer payment options and annual passes .

26- The moss-covered rocks along the boardwalk rest against the seawall .

27- Galveston Island offers a variety of condominiums along seawall Boulevard.

28- Many in Galveston stayed due to protection from the Galveston seawall .

29- Canvey is consequently protected by modern sea defences comprising 15 mi of concrete seawall .

30- Keeper’s house and other light station buildings enclosed by an octagonal seawall .

31- December 2012 Totland, Isle of Wight landslide and seawall damage.

32- Most of the Dhakaani clans reside near the seawall Mountains.

33- Others fell as they crossed the beach to the seawall 40 ft away.

34- He designed a highly effective seawall as well with a reverse wave design .

35- It is also planning to solidify the ground for seawalls to avoid leakage .

36- It was called ” seawall Bond.

37- As a further coastal defence measure, the existing seawall was constructed in 1994.

38- One important example of an optimisation is the design of the hard seawall .

39- Finally, the anchorage was small and the harbor was surrounded by tall seawalls . The waves dashed against the seawall.

40- The most popular of those is what’s called the “Ike Dike,” a seawall along the outer coast.

41- seawall protecting homes from storm waves and beach erosion.

42- Summary Laem Phak Bia spit in 2005 during construction of a seawall.

43- Three people were killed when their car crashed off the Galveston seawall during the storm.

44- Summary The Portland Rose Festival Fleet moored along the Tom McCall Waterfront Park seawall.

45- A seawall is a concrete wall placed against the base of bluffs or sea cliffs that runs parallel to the ocean.

46- His company’s mission was to break up the enemy’s fortified seawall and then liberate a village five miles inland.

47- Low-lying parts of the community are protected by a seawall which was damaged by a storm in 2008.

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