scurf in a sentence

Use ‘scurf’ in a sentence | ‘scurf’ example sentences

1- After clipping, brush away loose hair and any scurf that is on the skin.

2- It was no more than the scurf of his skin, which was constantly shuffled off.

3- The average person sloughs off 40,000 bits of skin (called scurf or rafts) each minutes.

4- Rid says he ruled for 8 years before dying of “the pox and Neapolitan scurf “.

5- Only what we have touched and worn is trivial , our scurf , repetition, tradition, conformity.

6- Narcotic lollipops that first hit the body’s weight toothless smokescreen in conscious places, enhancing each other’s scurf .

7- Reaching inside, he hauled the monkey out by the scurf of its neck and replaced the vase carefully on its pedestal.

8- Body fluids such as saliva, tears and urine, plus dead skin cells, called ‘ scurf ‘ can all contribute to make an allergy sufferer’s life miserable.

9- Arsenicum album This is derived from white arsenic (arsenic trioxide) and is associated with dry itchy skins where there is a lot of dandruff which may be fine white scurf or large “bran flakes”.

10- So he’d rushed to the field, catching a sun-dazed pony, scrambling onto the broad back, hair and scurf whitening the new trousers, cantering over the paddocks and clattering into the yard where Peter and Andrew were almost ready.

11- Two million bottles can easily be sold in a year when it is again known that the Kathairon is not only the most delightful hair dressing in the world, but that it cleanses the scalp of scurf and dandruff, gives the hair a lively, rich luxuriant growth. and prevents it from turning gray.

12- He was tall, dark and far from handsome; she was small, chirpy and was for ever brushing Kev’s shoulders free of scurf .

13- scurf Dyke joins from the west, and is followed by Struncheon Hill lock, which marks the end of the Navigation, and the official start of the navigable River Hull.

14- Brush and plastic squirt bottle A stiff bristle brush is handy for brushing away loose hair and removing skin scurf after the animal has been clipped.

15- Upon the banks a scurf From the foul steam condens’d, encrusting hung, That held sharp combat with the sight and smell.

16- Secondarily we produce a ground scent downwind of where we walk a trail of smell, created by our constantly shedding scurf and it’s bacteria hitchhikers.

17- Our skin serves as the residence for millions of bacteria (in the armpit, approximately 2.41 million per square centimeter) which tag along on scurf as it gently floats to the ground on our bodies and in the air.

18- Stem: 2-10 cm long; 1.5-5 cm thick; often swollen in the middle; stuffed and thick; sometimes slightly wrinkled lengthwise; white underneath a layer of reddish to brownish red scurf that begins at the base and may extend nearly to the apex.

19- There are constant aspersions about his body in his diaries, and one of his friends wrote that “every imperfection of the body tormented him, even, for example, scurf [dandruff], or constipation, or a toe that was not properly formed” (Hall and Lind, 1970, pp. 41-42).

20- “subterranea” and silver scurf and black dot caused by the fungi “Helminthosporium solani” and “Colletotrichum coccodes” respectively.

21- Debris and tiny bodies circled like a halo of scurf , brightening periodically as those metal shards and corpses tilted to catch the sunlight of space…

22- scurf

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