scribbles in a sentence

Use ‘scribbles’ in a sentence | ‘scribbles’ example sentences

1- I eventually knew my scribbles might someday pay off.

2- Her drawings are tremendous, compared with my little scribbles .

3- Yet, I used those same scribbles to create these portraits.

4- So I write my scribbles in NV.

5- They ‘re scribbles , but with a purpose.

6- He scribbles his name over it, so to speak.

7- Her designs are a sham , ugly scribbles , she almost never works.

8- Herbert scribbles away on his pad with a quizzical look.

9- scribbles EJ will end up with Sami.

10- I wonder how long I will be able to keep these scribbles going?

11- The button with colors allows you to change the color of the scribbles .

12- Because you know Patrick just scribbles ?

13- scribbles scribbles is just like nibbles, but with a twist.

14- scribbles scribbles is just like nibbles, but with a twist.

15- About 200 individual investors eye the Arabic scribbles of the orders on the wall.

16- Despite the cast covered in ” get well’ scribbles , she looked glamorous.

17- End a meeting with a whiteboard full of scribbles that might be useful later?

18- He quickly scribbles down a phone number and hands the piece of paper to Johnny.

19- The all important blackboard lies on the ground by her feet covered in senseless scribbles .

20- He scribbles the absurdity out.

21- She scribbles it all up.

22- Before dying, his father scribbles the password and bank symbol on the Rubik’s cube.

23- The first boy says, “My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper.

24- Perhaps in the future, this tangled tree will take its place alongside Darwin’s notebook scribbles .

25- In fact, on one page it was hard to see the drawings amid all my scribbles .

26- The idea is to take your scribbles and put them into some form of comprehensible reading material.

27- I was 8 so this poem is probably the equivalent of basic doodling and scribbles by future artists.

28- The secretaries are expected to produce copy from illegible scribbles , but get little thanks and no status.

29- The letters from the youngest fifth and sixth bunnies are miniature epistles of nothing but scribbles and kisses.

30- What we get are the questions handed back to us covered with greasy finger marks and margin scribbles .

31- She steals her older sister ‘s big two-wheeler bike and even scribbles over her older sister’s drawings.

32- Now, do you suppose he would write that one letter out in a flurry of scribbles ?

33- Others have no problem naming the object but draw some weird scribbles that they say is the object.

34- And I sat there for three hours and I couldn’t do anything, just miserable little scribbles .

35- Even with our remarkably bad handwriting , the Note 3 does a very good job of translating our scribbles .

36- Unfortunately, the compiler doesn’t recognize our scribbles , so how do we go about implementing one?

37- Your scribbles and musings can earn you big bucks, if you know how to market them well.

38- Long time they tried all kind of way for elimination of the unwanted scribbles , but it was unsuccessfully.

39- But those always turned up in a rather fantastic fashion with lots of side remarks and scribbles at the top.

40- Cairns – Berlioz vol. 2, p. 85 These were not mere scribbles, but in-depth articles and reviews with little duplication, which took considerable time to write.

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