screenplays in a sentence

Use ‘screenplays’ in a sentence | ‘screenplays’ example sentences

1- His screenplays and theatrical dramas are discussed elsewhere.

2- He has also written several television screenplays and three stage plays.

3- In the early 21st century Gene kept busy writing screenplays .

4- This led to invitations to write film screenplays .

5- He also wrote screenplays and several more plays.

6- Of sixteen screenplays , only four were produced.

7- Then he sent in three more screenplays .

8- But writing screenplays is something the British do very badly indeed.

9- This theme of emptiness has also been used in modern screenplays .

10- screenplays must include a title page without the applicant’s name.

11- He has also written screenplays and has directed one film.

12- Hartman wrote a number of screenplays that were never produced.

13- Simon has also written screenplays for more than twenty films.

14- He tried his hand at screenplays and creative stories.

15- By 1994, several screenplays from different writers had been deemed insufficient.

16- He also wrote several screenplays during this time.

17- He also wrote TV screenplays under a pseudonym.

18- There may be a value to reading screenplays .

19- I’m presently working on a few screenplays .

20- Several of Huxley’s screenplays never got filmed.

21- screenplays can be both original and derivative.

22- Wood co-wrote the screenplays and occasionally acted.

23- His screenplays are his own sick twisted fantasys.

24- On developing screenplays for “American Dad!

25- The style consists of a grammar that is specific to screenplays .

26- I still love to write, but no more screenplays .

27- He has received four Academy Award nominations for his screenplays .

28- I would encourage readers to be cautious when reading screenplays .

29- Helen Smith writes novels, poetry, plays and screenplays .

30- He is currently writing three screenplays and a book on screenwriting.

31- The process is to some degree the same with CGI screenplays .

32- Unlike screenplays , there are no budget constraints in a book.

33- I have ideas for two screenplays , one virtually completed.

34- In the end, screenplays are stories, after all.

35- Bloch wrote a number of screenplays which remain unproduced.

36- Around this time, Borges also began writing screenplays .

37- Rand also began unproduced screenplays for four other movies.

38- English translation, in part, “Four screenplays “.

39- The TNG database is based on the screenplays .

40- Wodehouse wrote nearly 100 novels, about 30 plays and 20 screenplays . Edwin Justus Mayer worked on many screenplays.

41- Gianfranco Clerici is an Italian writer of numerous screenplays for Italian film and television productions.

42- Barg is currently living in Chicago and writing screenplays for Power Mad Films, a French production company.

43- Binodini has written scripts – some original screenplays and some based on her own stories – for eight feature films and four documentaries.

44- Three of his early screenplays were World War II movies: Counter-Espionage and Submarine Raider in 1942 and They Came to Blow Up America in 1943.

45- Wu has since wrote more than 70 screenplays that were made into films, and has become one of the leading artists of the Taiwanese Cinema of the 1980s.

46- Sheekman wrote 17 screenplays during the next 16 years.

47- Rose began writing gags for Milton Berle and radio lines for Bob Hope before moving to screenplays.

48- Angus MacLachlan is a playwright and screenwriter most famous for writing the screenplays for the 2005 film Junebug as well as the cult short film Tater Tomater.

49- ” screenplays * “It’s gonna be just like war!

50- Lemay’s screenplays took the form of tragic plays, as they were carried out in five dramatic acts.

More Sentences: 12
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