screech in a sentence 2

Use ‘screech’ in a sentence | ‘screech’ example sentences

51- screech owls or screech-owls are typical owls ( Strigidae ) belonging to the genus Megascops.

52- A loud, hissing screech but the grass owl’s screech is louder than a barn’s but quieter than a masked owl’s.

53- He was used by Zack to demonstrate a miracle blemish cream that screech had accidentally invented in Chemistry class.

54- In an opera parody, Colonna hollered an aria “in a deadpan screech that became his trademark on Bob Hope’s show, Nachman noted.

55- In smaller warships these mountings were sometimes associated with MR-103 and in larger ones with the Yakhond (Hawk screech) radar.

56- Like his high school friend, Zack Morris, screech schemes to pull things off when things go wrong, and he gets a little carried away on what he’s doing.

More Sentences: 12
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