screamed in a sentence

Use ‘screamed’ in a sentence | ‘screamed’ example sentences

1- The boy screamed and went running off crying.

2- That large solid colored border just screamed feathers.

3- I screamed and cried while running home.

4- Even though his mouth still screamed throughout.

5- A motorbike screamed along the coast road.

6- She had looked off stage and then screamed .

7- Most problem dogs are yelled and screamed at.

8- The engine screamed and the car shot forwards.

9- The men screamed and kicked their horses.

10- Groups drank champagne and screamed with laughter.

11- I screamed so loud my dog got scared.

12- It was as though he himself had screamed .

13- I screamed and ran off down the street.

14- I screamed and fought but nobody came.

15- She screamed and her brother turned around.

16- Every ragged nerve throughout his body screamed for release.

17- Girls screamed , cameras flashed and fans applauded.

18- Her posture, confidence and general disposition screamed runway model.

19- He reportedly screamed “I got one!

20- The bald man screamed loudly at Ivan.

21- A woman screamed , high and loud.

22- Nu metal band 40 Below Summer frequently features screamed vocals.

23- I screamed but no sound came out.

24- I screamed and instantly put out my cigarette.

25- He was sure it had been she who had screamed .

26- Then realisation dawned upon us and we screamed .

27- Still reckon AW screamed “have it” afterwards.

28- I absolutely screamed with laughter at this post.

29- Nina screamed , horribly loud in the confined space.

30- The wind screamed , the hurricane hailed stones and branches.

31- A woman screamed over to his right.

32- I screamed and turn on my heel.

33- I screamed with joy, tears streaming down my face.

34- Jean screamed and dove for the door.

35- He grabbed it and screamed for help.

36- Her sense of justice grabbed her and screamed logic.

37- She came home and screamed at her husband.

38- Hundreds of cars screamed by at 80 mph.

39- I screamed more out of anguish than surprise. She screamed in agony.

40- She screamed for help.

41- She screamed and fainted.

42- She screamed with terror.

43- The baby screamed all night.

44- She screamed that I was to blame.

45- She screamed when she saw a snake.

46- She screamed at the flash of lightning.

47- I remember the horror I felt when she screamed.

48- Suddenly Nancy screamed in the midst of silence.

49- Find someone who has screamed under water.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
scream in painscream blue murderscream forscream atkicking and screamingscream outscream inscreamedscreamerscreamersscreamingscreamsscreescreechscreech to a halt

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