scream in a sentence

Use ‘scream’ in a sentence | ‘scream’ example sentences

1- The main plot screams “revenge”.

2- There are plenty of seasonal screaming sounds!

3- The boy screamed and went running off crying.

4- The voices rose until they became screams .

5- A loud crunch and scream is heard.

6- That large solid colored border just screamed feathers.

7- They are being photographed while screaming with energy.

8- My mum was screaming down the phone.

9- The same screams and heavy footsteps are heard.

10- I screamed and cried while running home.

11- In the scream speech reaches utter silence”.

12- His power is known as sonic screaming .

13- Must be great – really screaming record.

14- Another screaming beast collapsed on broken hind legs.

15- His scream of fear was silenced instantly.

16- Even though his mouth still screamed throughout.

17- The screams you hear are pigs getting stuck .

18- And unless parents are screaming every month at board meetings ?

19- You got guys coming off the ball screaming .

20- Or maybe it should let itself scream more .

21- We got into screaming matches every three hours !

22- This thing screams and looks really awesome .

23- No timer surely gets your smoke alarm screaming .

24- There are voices screaming through my mind.

25- A motorbike screamed along the coast road.

26- It simply screams “This book is amazing.

27- Hitler went wild, screaming several times “treason!

28- There was usually one scream before the fit.

29- The audience had gone wild and was screaming for more.

30- It sounded like pipe organs and souls screaming .

31- It sends a primordial scream right down my spine.

32- The hairy ape is screaming for its dear life.

33- Writing online often feels like screaming into space.

34- My sister screams at her daughter constantly.

35- The station doors opened and the sirens started screaming .

36- My entire digestive system screams out in pain.

37- She frantically screams as men rush the stage.

38- The screams of the men having limbs cut off is terrible.

39- My scream was a product of pure imagination. What a scream!I heard someone scream.

40- I heard a woman scream.

41- Didn’t you hear a scream?

42- A scream broke the silence.

43- Her scream brought the police.

44- All at once, I heard a scream.

45- She uttered a scream of terror.

46- A sudden scream pierced the night.

47- I’m so mad I want to scream and break everything!It is natural for a child to scream in anger.

48- We heard the sound of someone being spanked, and then a loud scream.

49- That’s right, that se sound was the final death scream of the cooling fan.

More Sentences: 1234
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scrawl overscrawledscrawlingscrawlsscrawlyscrawnierscrawnyscreamterrified screamterrible screamscream withlittle screammuffled screamstifled screambloodcurdling scream

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