scrawled in a sentence

Use ‘scrawled’ in a sentence | ‘scrawled’ example sentences

1- It was scrawled on blue lined writing paper.

2- Someone scrawled ” 666″ on one wall.

3- It scrawled four shapes in the dust.

4- The marker ascended and scrawled on the wall once more.

5- The balloon burst as he scrawled the last letter.

6- At the head of each arrow, he scrawled further appreciation.

7- His hand scrawled a dry pen signature beside his grog.

8- He stuffed the scrawled pages into an envelope and sealed it.

9- Yes , it has my name roughly scrawled on it.

10- Philip scrawled the number on the pad by the phone.

11- Welcome back!” scrawled on it in chocolate.

12- A worker found the hateful messages scrawled on the statue Wednesday morning .

13- The words were scrawled on the frontal of the marble high altar.

14- What are those letters scrawled on DeWitt ‘s hand?

15- Swastikas were scrawled on his garage door.

16- Note: scrawled on a piece of paper.

17- The only fresh paint was the graffiti scrawled in by vandals.

18- Who the deuce scrawled all over those walls with matches?

19- On it is scrawled the name “Mater Lachrymarum”.

20- The title will be scrawled across the face of the CD.

21- The words “Find the Book” are scrawled over the walls.

22- Such images are probably scrawled all over bathroom walls , over there.

23- He scrawled it quickly on the back of his card.

24- Trades were scrawled on pieces of paper and noted on large blackboards.

25- Quickly, Caroline scrawled her signature on the proffered form.

26- He also comes across many hateful and cryptic messages scrawled on the walls.

27- The albums have been personalised with everything from white paint to scrawled poetry .

28- A strange symbol is scrawled in blood on the floor near his body.

29- The inappropriate phrase Winchesters Suck was scrawled along the side.

30- A message had been scrawled there!

31- She scrawled Please call me–E on the pale blue vellum.

32- Underneath she scrawled the words, ‘The real me.

33- Three lines scrawled on one side.

34- Graffiti was scrawled over mosques and Muslim-owned businesses.

35- Had scrawled its slimy, phosphorescent trail.

36- Charlotte read back her own scrawled note from the jotter beside the telephone.

37- All My Love, Sabby,” was scrawled across the corner.

38- Charlie scrawled his signature on the spot above where the sergeant’s finger rested.

39- A scrawled message propped up on the far bedside table suddenly caught her eye. On the memo was scrawled, have her practice floating in the water.

40- George Santayana once said that there are books in which the footnotes or comments scrawled by some reader’s hand in the margin are more interesting than the text.

41- Jurors appeared to strain to make out the words Tsarnaev scrawled inside the boat.

42- In Indianola, he carried a folded piece of paper scrawled with notes while he spoke.

43- 539008On the other, he scrawled the Greek letters of another fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon.

44- The anonymous note scrawled on a page torn from a coiled notebook opened with “I’m so sorry.”

45- He also comes across many hateful and cryptic messages scrawled on the walls.

46- There were some antisemitic incidents; anti-Semitic symbols scrawled on local billboards near shooting locations.

47- Ayasaki Voiced by: Kazusa Murai :Hayate’s parents, who appear only in flashbacks as faceless shadows with the characters “Mother” and “Father” scrawled on their faces.

48- Pa XXX” scrawled on the cover of his ticket wallet.

More Sentences: 12
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