scorpions in a sentence

Use ‘scorpions’ in a sentence | ‘scorpions’ example sentences

1- The position of scorpions is particularly controversial.

2- scorpions are nocturnal predators inhabiting warmer parts of the world.

3- scorpions and frogs were used occasionally instead of snakes.

4- We all saw turtles and water scorpions .

5- scorpions are known to make paper ornaments.

6- The scorpions have 8 competitive indoor teams.

7- In addition, there are 111 described taxa of extinct scorpions .

8- These may be mites of various kinds or false scorpions .

9- For the next 1 km it was like scorpions everywhere.

10- scorpions are found on all major land masses except Antarctica.

11- Climb over the wall and kill 2 scorpions below.

12- Kill 3 red scorpions as you round the corner.

13- No scorpions getting into your slippers at night either.

14- scorpions are a German rock band formed in 1965.

15- In March 1999 the scorpions killed 14 Albanian civilians.

16- The scorpions are barefoot remarkable piggly grim by nature.

17- scorpions are much feared, and with justification.

18- It is . It eats eggs and scorpions .

19- scorpions , under a black light, glow.

20- scorpions typically require between five and seven moults to reach maturity.

21- All are Decepticons that turn into scorpions .

22- Red scorpions also live in the desert .

23- The rocky shores are home to scorpions and carpet vipers.

24- Bites from scorpions and certain spiders often require medical attention .

25- You can get anything from chocolate covered bacon to scorpions .

26- The scorpions played around 5,000 concerts in over 80 countries.

27- scorpions can consume huge amounts of food at one sitting.

28- Several scorpions could be found quite close to each other .

29- All their scorpions had been disposed of by 2004.

30- All British scorpions were withdrawn from service in 1995.

31- The green scorpions are capable throwing bursts of energy from their claws.

32- These scorpions are slightly poisonous, though their venom is not lethal.

33- Other names are wind scorpions or Egyptian giant solpugids.

34- scorpions are viviparous, that is they bring forth living young.

35- The Spanish Marines obtained 17 scorpions in 1985.

36- In 1976, scorpions released “Virgin Killer”.

37- Ticks are close relatives of mites, spiders and scorpions .

38- Will Eric survive the gnarly dunes without running into scorpions ?

39- Chelicerates include spiders, mites, scorpions and related organisms.

40- scorpions are noted; the female Anopheles mosquito carries malaria. The sting of most scorpions is apparently not very dangerous.

41- scorpions can withstand 200 times more nuclear radiation than humans can.

42- Sek was associate of Red scorpions and of Corey Lal, the target of the killing.

43- In the US, the album goes triple-platinum, and the scorpions make it to the top ten in all the charts.

44- ;Tomb scorpions (Special Unit): Tomb scorpions are powerful creations of the Liche Priests.

45- If you are unaware of the exact species and not experienced in handling scorpions, it is better to keep a respectful distance.

46- Designs are both geometric and figurative; the latter displaying trees and animals such as birds, fish, goats, scorpions and snakes.

47- During US nuclear testing, scorpions, along with cockroaches and lizards, were found near ground zero with no recorded adverse effects.

48- His sword attack copies the attack patterns of the scorpions.

49- They spend several days there and are attacked by the Black scorpions.

50- James Kottak did not go unnoticed by the scorpions and eventually earned a place as their permanent drummer.

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