scorpion in a sentence

Use ‘scorpion’ in a sentence | ‘scorpion’ example sentences

1- The robots pursue scorpion through the sewers.

2- A scorpion is shown fighting a black widow spider.

3- scorpion regiments had been formed of 3 flail troops.

4- Several ivory tags with scorpion figures were found here.

5- The first scorpion seen was a giant monster.

6- Spider-Man wins the battle and scorpion flees.

7- The scorpion was unveiled on 16 September 2013.

8- The exact burial place of scorpion II is unknown.

9- The school’s mascot is the scorpion .

10- The position of scorpions is particularly controversial.

11- scorpions are nocturnal predators inhabiting warmer parts of the world.

12- This scorpion species is small and completely harmless to humans .

13- scorpions and frogs were used occasionally instead of snakes.

14- The scorpion is a common symbol representing the state.

15- Currently, 111 fossil species of scorpion are known.

16- Martinez boarding the train with her scorpion .

17- He can transform into his scorpion armor.

18- Not bad for a palette swap of scorpion .

19- Spider-Man and scorpion afterwards have an intense battle.

20- This is the car the scorpion is styled after.

21- But, scorpion is currently the only newly confirmed character.

22- But the assassin leaves a deadly scorpion behind.

23- Seventeen scorpion prototypes were delivered for field testing in February 1969.

24- Rhino accidentally knocks out scorpion , and runs off.

25- Spider-Man saves Jameson and defeats scorpion in battle.

26- scorpion days marked as nights that both constellations could be seen.

27- Team Claw had escaped from scorpion Island.

28- We all saw turtles and water scorpions .

29- A scorpion has poison in its tail.

30- scorpions are known to make paper ornaments.

31- His armor was modeled after a scorpion .

32- I hardly felt the scorpion‘s sting.

33- The scorpions have 8 competitive indoor teams.

34- He was killed by the giant scorpion bugs and dragged underground.

35- This fluorescence may have an active role in scorpion light detection.

36- In addition, there are 111 described taxa of extinct scorpions .

37- These may be mites of various kinds or false scorpions .

38- There were several ropes making an outline of a scorpion .

39- For the next 1 km it was like scorpions everywhere.

40- scorpions are found on all major land masses except Antarctica. Also on the drawing board are plans for a lunar mantis and a lunar scorpion.

41- Check out the video above for our behind-the-scenes look at season 2 of “scorpion.”

42- Oregonian sportswriter Tyson Alger reports it must’ve been one pretty peeved scorpion!

43- They immediately notified the flight attendants, and then found and killed the scorpion.

44- A video posted by therock (@therock) on May 21, 2015 at 3:42pm PDT Forget “scorpion King.”

45- The emperor scorpion fluoresces greenish-blue under ultra-violet light.

46- The reviewer also considered scorpion‘s role in the episode to be unnecessary.

47- “Chloride channel inhibition by the venom of the scorpion Leiurus quinquestriatus”.

48- The scorpion King is an ancient warrior whose power Imhotep needs as he is still mortal.

49- Overhaul On 1 February 1967, scorpion entered the Norfolk Naval Shipyard for another extended overhaul.

50- Examples of symbols include a stylised lightning bolt, a snake, and a scorpion – reminders of how a sling might strike without warning.

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