scorned in a sentence

Use ‘scorned’ in a sentence | ‘scorned’ example sentences

1- Multiple choice questions are widely scorned as “multiple guess” questions.

2- He was poor, and yet scorned wealth.

3- In academic circles they scorned her publications.

4- They were shunned and often scorned by their fellow citizens.

5- This is a classic case of a bitter scorned woman.

6- But there really is nothing worse than a woman scorned .

7- But hell hath no fury like an environmentalist scorned .

8- Hell hath no fury like a social climber scorned .

9- The lyrics describe the emotions of a scorned lover.

10- Is there anything worse than a religious person scorned ?

11- England had had its chance and had scorned him.

12- Kim scorned Korea’s inability to resist foreign domination.

13- Republican opponents scorned the law as “Obamacare.

14- We would have scorned to excuse ourselves.

15- Benedict scorned the offer as an insult.

16- The evil will be ridiculed and scorned .

17- Maria scorned , and saw his lips twist in acknowledgement.

18- Because the unit was so colorful, it was scorned .

19- Sadly it was a legacy scorned by its putative beneficiaries.

20- But Ginger saw through the scheme and scorned it.

21- Hell hath no fury like a US congressman scorned .

22- We feel scorned when we are rejected and someone else is chosen.

23- It’s an obvious and well scorned tactic.

24- Who made him scorned abroad, but Cleopatra?

25- His old self would have scorned such sentimentality.

26- The former is scorned in old age while the latter is always respected.

27- All my life I have been a man who scorned distraction!

28- Hell hath no fury like a teen scorned (and snapped.

29- They scorned the authority of tradition, religion and the family.

30- And the maids who had scorned her would regret it!

31- All that i can see here is a scorned man.

32- Although she was bleeding her husband studiously scorned her.

33- It is this which causes Birmingham to be scorned .

34- As a result an enormous amount of philosophy is scorned and rejected.

35- House for sale by scorned , slightly bitter, newly single owner.

36- The woman scorned reported her car as stolen and he was arrested.

37- Their labour and such skills as they possessed were no longer scorned .

38- Her neighbour scorned her: nothing is given freely, she said.

39- False allegations like this one deserve to be scorned .

40- You all look sick,’ she scorned . She scorned the boy.

41- They scorned the liar.

42- They scorned our attempts at reconciliation.

43- She has scorned her parents’ traditional viewpoints by living with her boyfriendShe scorned my offer to help her, saying she could do better job without me.

44- Many reviewers initially scorned rock ‘n’ roll music as a fad which would quickly pass.

45- She scorned his request for a date, openly laughing in his face and suggesting she was completely out of his league.

46- Although Céline Dion is wildly popular internationally, she is sometimes scorned in her Quebec home for pursuing her singing career in English.

47- She is scorned by her husband and neighbours, and is soon left without her son.

48- 963240You shall be spurned and scorned all your days for your undermining,”” Hill read.”

49- Unreferenced The scorned is a 2005 horror movie.

50- Galba scorned the notion that soldiers should be ” bribed ” for their loyalty.

More Sentences: 12
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