scorn in a sentence

Use ‘scorn’ in a sentence | ‘scorn’ example sentences

1- The early churches did not scorn numbers.

2- He was greeted with favor instead of scorn .

3- The tyrant laughed his request to scorn .

4- Its keynote is not anger but scorn .

5- O flesh damned to hate and scorn !

6- Crook’s campaign drew both praise and scorn .

7- In fact, greatness itself is laughed to scorn .

8- Both scorn the traditional human and Christian morality.

9- Free speech!” she yelled with scorn .

10- It would scorn to creep any longer.

11- Those who scorn or censure women’s talk diminish women.

12- I’m kind of sitting somewhere between scorn and indifference.

13- He is suddenly taken over by disgust and scorn .

14- An expression of scorn came over her face.

15- Pour cool scorn on them and forget.

16- Kate looked at him with growing scorn .

17- But it also is full of scorn .

18- But scorn as the attitude of choice is feeling dated.

19- Sir David treated that with scorn yesterday.

20- What did the object of scorn think ?

21- Extended the scorn bank with a small quest.

22- You scorn your mother’s words before you part.

23- An academic, Peter thought with angry scorn .

24- The scorn Is yours, my cousin.

25- His quiet retreat through the front door had somehow emphasized his scorn .

26- Lord, you willingly subjected yourself to mockery and scorn .

27- She is treated with mistrust and scorn until Ellen befriends her.

28- For others, it will provoke sympathy rather than scorn “.

29- Multiple choice questions are widely scorned as “multiple guess” questions.

30- He was laughed to scorn by directors of other breweries.

31- Would they be biting words of indignation and scorn ?

32- There are those who scorn any demonstration of affection in public.

33- These positions were treated with scorn and derision.

34- Of course many of them will scorn us.

35- He meets any challenge to his own stature with scorn .

36- The other has to live with the scorn .

37- How long will this people scorn me?

38- The performance earned him praise and scorn in the media.

39- These phantom parties increasingly became the butt of Sukarno’s scorn .

40- Nervousness often expresses itself as scepticism and scorn . For those who believe in Him laugh to scorn all those ills which worldly and carnal minds dread and flee and abominate .

41- She has scorn for me.

42- He was the scorn of the other boys.

43- His face and attitude showed the scorn he felt.

44- Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.

45- Find someone who has scored a goal in some kind of sport.

46- scornGeorge Bernard Shaw once said that silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.

47- The young boy was treated with scorn by his teammates when he cried after striking out.

48- Management’s claim that they needed to cut workers’ salaries in order to survive was greeted with scorn by the union.

49- The Prime Minister poured scorn on the Opposition leader’s remarks, suggesting he was ill-informed and out of touch with public sentiment.

50- Mary Ellen Kelly once remarked that natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jaMs. How scorn, how hate, how strive, we too, Who must do so soon as those others do?

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
scorekeeperscorekeepersscorelessscorerscorersscoresscoringscornwith scornscorn forscornedscornerscornersscornfulscornfully

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