score in a sentence

Use ‘score’ in a sentence | ‘score’ example sentences

1- So several local groups again scored intermediate victories.

2- The linear score sheet is another interesting tool.

3- He had under 2% scoring average.

4- The summary score data is shown here.

5- The total score given was 76 points.

6- The following chart provides approximate score release information.

7- The overall mean test score was 88%.

8- The final score was 105–28.

9- The final score was 54–0.

10- The final score was 41–7.

11- The final score was 30–6.

12- The final score was 101–29.

13- The final score was 106–19.

14- The final score was 98–28.

15- The final score was 19–0.

16- The final score was 63–26.

17- The score finally read 0–1.

18- All four north winds score eight bonus points.

19- The final score was 12–0.

20- The final score was 76–50.

21- A ” score ” is £20.

22- The final score was 108–67.

23- The final score was 99–26.

24- Do satisfaction scores really measure quality care?

25- The final score was 74–36.

26- The final score was 95–62.

27- The final score was 38–20.

28- The final score was 42–7.

29- The remaining twelve spaces are score spaces.

30- They scored 68 goals while allowing 198.

31- They scored 91 goals while allowing 225.

32- The series score was 4 – 1.

33- The final term saw ten goals being scored .

34- He scored 14 goals through 30 games.

35- The final score was 31–14.

36- The final score was 14–10.

37- The final score was 28–7.

38- The final score was 42–13.

39- The final score was 5–3.

40- The final score was 63–7. He wrote the score of the opera.

41- The final score was two to nothing.

42- We want a man who knows what the score is.

43- The home team won handily by a score of 3-0.

44- A man’s life is but three score years and ten.

45- We watched them score one basket after another.

46- We got whipped in the game by a score of 5 – 0.

47- His perfect score brought the class average up.

48- He passed the examination with the highest score.

49- When she saw her test score, she burst into tears.

50- They won the game convincingly by a score of 5 – 1.

More Sentences: 1234
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