scorbutic in a sentence

Use ‘scorbutic’ in a sentence | ‘scorbutic’ example sentences

1- Foods that contain vitamin C and can fight off scurvy are sometimes called ” scorbutic “.

2- They counteracted the fatal consequences of scurvy and particularly of blood loss through the scorbutic vascular wall.

3- He concluded that it was due to ” scorbutic dysentery” (bloody diarrhea caused by vitamin C deficiency).

4- This whey was made by “boiling half a pint of the scorbutic juices in a quart of cow’s milk.

5- Under the circumstances it would be difficult to conceive more appetising repasts or a regime which is likely to produce scorbutic symptoms.

6- This contested hypothesis is based upon a speculated marginal, near scorbutic condition or lack of essential nutrient(s) repletion and a potential elevated histamine level.

7- In 1931, Albert Szent-Györgyi and a fellow researcher Joseph Svirbely suspected that “hexuronic acid” was actually vitamin C, and gave a sample to Charles Glen King, who proved its anti-scorbutic activity in his long-established guinea pig scorbutic assay.

8- At the same time, for five years King’s laboratory at the University of Pittsburgh had been trying to isolate the antiscorbutic factor in lemon juice using the original 1907 model of scorbutic guinea pigs which developed scurvy when not fed fresh foods but were cured by lemon juice.

9- The chemical name for vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is derived from the Latin name of scurvy, “scorbutus”, which also provides the adjective scorbutic (“of, characterized by or having to do with scurvy”).

10- By 1795, lemon juice was made a compulsory issue in the Royal Navy, some times substituted by lime juice. 5 An early remedy for scurvy 6 was the administration of to the patient of scorbutic Whey.

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