Use ‘scissors’ in a sentence | ‘scissors’ example sentences
51- Awls, scissors, pins, needles and thread for mending were required.
52- He opened Renz Shear Shop and started the manufacture of scissors and cast iron shears.
53- ‘ I had pitched Puff Daddy on the parody idea, and by the time I finally got his official approval, we were already in the final studio sessions for ‘Running With scissors‘!
54- A jackscrew operates this automotive scissors-jack.
55- She grabs some scissors and stands waiting for it to show itself.
56- Obviously, any two scissors-congruent polyhedra have the same volume.
57- ” Doing a rope trick, Copperfield accidentally cut off the tip of his finger with sharp scissors.
58- Grimalkin The assassin of the Malkin witch clan, she is a malevolent witch skilled with knives and scissors in combat.
59- He lowers his guard when falling for scissors‘ trap and is removed from the trial by Volcancer who destroys Verde’s Advent Deck.
60- Cars 2, 6, and 7 each have one scissors type pantograph.
61- Second in command and field leader of the Pumpkin scissors.
62- Bond uses a pair of scissors to defend against Slate’s switchblade.
63- And she killed her victim with scissors while both of them were naked.
64- His logo was present in this scene in the form of a large pair of prop scissors suspended over a beaker.
65- Brooke lunges to stab him with her scissors, but Jamie inadvertently hits her over the head with a 2×4, presumably killing her.
66- Alexis arrives and they argue over Claire, deciding to play “Rock Paper scissors” (Alexis loses) to decide who should help her.
67- In 1825, he began work as a silhouette portraitist, taking full-length likenesses in profile by cutting out black paper with scissors.
68- The procedures involving the insertion of scissors into the nasal cavity was clearly shown.
69- Thus scissors and coffee cups are experienced as interfaces, just as personal computers are.
70- Sewing Kits provide recipients with three yards of fabric, scissors, needles, threads, and buttons.
71- Since his childhood, he has carried two scissors that are feet (0 m) long and enjoyed cutting various objects.
72- 223-6000 series 4-car Aboshi depot sets The KuMoHa 223 and MoHa 222 cars are each fitted with one scissors-type pantograph.
73- Headscissors takedown Flying scissors to the neck, executed during the “Gio-To-Festival” from May, 29 to May, 31 2005 in Minden, Germany.
74- When someone on her team loses to Team MÄR, she challenges the loser of her team to a game of Rock-Paper-scissors and ends up decapitating them if they lose.
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