science in a sentence 3

Use ‘science’ in a sentence | ‘science’ example sentences

101- In science, a model is an intellectual conception of how our world works.

102- From a strictly scientific point of view, history cannot be called a science.

103- He was a great authority on astronomy, or the science of the heavenly bodies.

104- My favorite book genre is science fiction, but my girlfriend loves mysteries.

105- The results of the experiment were published in a prestigious science journal.

106- Find someone who has watched a science experiment with liquid nitrogen.

107- literallyA number of today’s most widely-held theories had their origins as fringe science.

108- Today’s science is verifying the ancient wisdom of traditional cultures.

109- versatileGeorges Braque once stated that art is made to disturb.

110- science reassures.

111- Georges Braque once remarked that art is made to disturb whereas science reassures.

112- The main thrust of his argument is that religion and science are sometimes compatible.

113- My daughter’s teacher said he wanted to speak to me regarding her latest science test.

114- Isaac Newton’s work in mathematics and physics laid the foundation for modern science.

115- Georges Brague once said that art is meant to upset people, and science reassures them.

116- Modern science has produced devices that will locate a human body buried under the snow.

117- David Sarnoff once said that freedom is the oxygen without which science cannot breathe.

118- You shouldn’t mix chemicals together in science class unless you know how they will react.

119- George Henry Lewes once stated that science is the systematic classification of experience.

120- science does not yet have all the answers to explain the phenomenon of black holes in space.

121- science can now detect some birth defects in the primary stages of development of the fetus.

122- In April of 1932, after 5 years of research, an American science professor isolated vitamin C.

123- My son blew up his high school by accident while doing a chemistry experiment in science class.

124- My daughter is studying the life cycle of the butterfly in her elementary school science class.

125- Before Galileo’s time, scholars tried to resolve questions of science by referring to authority.

126- Football coach George Allen once remarked that winning is the science of being totally prepared.

127- C.

128- P.

129- Snow once said that science is the refusal to believe on the basis of hope.

130- Writers such as novelists and poets don’t seem to benefit much from the advance of science.

131- secokitSomeone has described science as an orderly arrangement of what, at the moment, seems to be facts.

132- My high school biology teacher inspired me with his sincere curiosity and fascination with science.

133- He has produced movies of various genres, including action, drama, comedy and science fiction filMs. Claude Bernard once said that observation is a passive science, and experimentation an active science.

134- David Suzuki has remarked that science can only provide tiny fragmented insights into the natural world.

135- Some of today’s young people will become the pioneers of the future in the field of science or computers.

136- The student government at my university was monopolized by students from the political science department.

137- There is a sign tacked up on the school bulletin board asking for help in setting up for the science fair.

138- A German physicist has won the Nobel prize for science for his work in collaboration with another scientist.

139- Because of the church’s treatment of Galileo, many people suggest that religion is incompatible with science.

140- Weather forecasting is a fairly inexact science, one can never be 100% sure the weather report will be right.

141- Jacob Bronowski once noted that no science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power.

142- The political science students analyzed the voting patterns of people living in different parts of the country.

143- Studies suggest that the bulk of social science literature has been written by men on topics of interest to men.

144- Isaac Asimov once noted that although science can cause problems, it is not by ignorance that we will solve them.

145- Nobel prizes are awarded for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace, and economic science.

146- As science and technology develop, many are now suggesting that there may be some alternatives to animal testing.

147- The science teacher assigned each child to do an experiment which would be presented in front of the entire class.

148- In 1949, a science magazine forecast that computers in the future would weigh no more than about 1.

149- 5 tons.

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