schedule a meeting in a sentence

Use ‘schedule a meeting’ in a sentence | ‘schedule a meeting’ example sentences

1- schedule a meeting within a gap in the hotel’s schedule.

2- schedule a meeting to discuss the recommendation letter with the writer.

3- You do not want to schedule a meeting too soon.

4- To schedule a meeting , please contact your Sidoti representative.

5- And then we scheduled a meeting for the Senator.

6- DO N’T tell remaining staff by scheduling a meeting after the fact.

7- The two parties are currently in the process of scheduling a meeting .

8- When they finish the book, we schedule a meeting Day.

9- schedule a meeting with PEG’s Manager.

10- They scheduled a meeting of the Congress Legislative Party on 21 March.

11- That will help you and anyone wanting to schedule a meeting with you.

12- The two superpowers schedule a meeting to ratify a treaty in a top secret location.

13- Simply call your local SS office and schedule a meeting to decide your needs and eligibility.

14- Start early in order to schedule a meeting that allows you to meet your writing deadlines.

15- In addition, we have scheduled a meeting with all subcontractors currently working on our contracts.

16- On May 9, Quintanilla telephoned Spaur to schedule a meeting for the next day.

17- Library officials have scheduled a meeting with councilors July 12 to go over the budget again.

18- Make a list of potential partners, schedule a meeting , and create a joint marketing program.

19- Then I decided on what date to inform my supervisor and scheduled a meeting with him.

20- We will schedule a meeting with the project manager once the project office is up and running.

21- Incidentally, we also scheduled a meeting in January to deal with what happens in November.

22- Students who get a D or F on an exam must schedule a meeting with me.

23- The G7 finance ministers scheduled a meeting to discuss the “global financial crisis that concerns all countries.

24- Use of Information : The information listed above is used solely for scheduling a meeting or conference call.

25- My next step would be to schedule a meeting with the teacher and maybe even the principal.

26- Stop by InterCall booth 1433 on the show floor or schedule a meeting with us today.

27- After several live chats with one of my matches, I felt comfortable enough to schedule a meeting .

28- schedule a meeting with Instructor to discuss the program and obtain conditional acceptance packet. ____ Step 14.

29- Nyabel schedules a meeting with Janice at which she accuses Peter of playing favorites among the female models.

30- AIOCD has also scheduled a meeting with several industry bodies later this week in Mumbai to discuss the issue .

31- We never thought any of the institutions of corporate globalization would schedule a meeting in this hotbed of activism.

32- He is currently residing in a foster home, so please do call ahead or email to schedule a meeting .

33- Contact Amanda if you have any questions or if you’d like to schedule a meeting with her.

34- This is what this season has done to me; I honestly forgot Liverpool were playing when scheduling a meeting .

35- Tracie can schedule a meeting with your neighbors to clarify the necessary steps and the benefits of organizing an HOA.

36- Staff, I’m sorry to schedule a meeting so late in the day but an emergency has come up.

37- Wingate agreed to the negotiations, and scheduled a meeting at the coastal town of As Sib in late September.

38- He stated that he had never been able to reach the Archbishop after personally making six attempts to schedule a meeting .

39- They had scheduled a meeting with members of IMA World Health at the Hotel Montana, which collapsed on them.

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