scathing attack in a sentence

Use ‘scathing attack’ in a sentence | ‘scathing attack’ example sentences

1- MORRISSEY has launched a scathing attack on former pal Vic Reeves.

2- Then on 24 October, he made another scathing attack on the differences.

3- Franklin wrote a scathing attack against the racial prejudice of the Paxton Boys.

4- When she had done, Durance started a scathing attack on Maurin.

5- Caldaire managing director Mike Widmer launched a scathing attack on the local authorities.

6- This is a scathing attack in scientific terms of the earlier drug company sponsored study.

7- Williams’s scathing attacks against classic dispensationalism do not advance the cause of scholarly research.

8- The Soviets sought to befriend the Chinese revolutionists by offering scathing attacks on Western imperialism.

9- Many colleagues were unnerved by his scathing attacks on those he thought guilty of shoddy scholarship.

10- LABOUR MP Donald Dewar has launched a scathing attack on the Government’s planned tax increases.

11- My scathing attack is not directed at you Lirelou, but at the United States government.

12- Hunt blamed his death on the “Quarterly Review”‘s scathing attack of “Endymion”.

13- Fianna Fail’s Mattie McGrath broke party ranks to launch a scathing attack on the Ceann Comhairle.

14- Villeneuve came under scathing attack on his return to France for his failure to support Brueys during the battle.

15- Nicholson retaliated in “The Town”, with a series of scathing attacks on Gregory and his paper.

16- Stove is best known for scathing attacks , especially on Popperian falsificationism, Marxism, feminism, and postmodernism.

17- His scathing attack on the performance of Swedish referee Jonas Eriksson has led to two-match touchline ban from Uefa.

18- Animation legend Chuck Jones made a rather scathing attack on the film in his book “Chuck Jones Conversations”.

19- ROGER JOSEPH was mysteriously absent from the dressing room as manager Joe Kinnear delivered a scathing attack on his players.

20- Obasanjo ‘s men hit El-Rufai They are riled by the former minister’s scathing attacks on Obasanjo in his memoir.

21- One of the most scathing attacks was levelled by Brother Jean-Paul Desbiens, writing under the pseudonym of Frère Untel.

22- Bollywood filmmaker superstar Mahesh Bhatt launches a scathing attack on biotech multinational companies and compliant government regulators, showing how the.

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