scars in a sentence 3

Use ‘scars’ in a sentence | ‘scars’ example sentences

101- If a horse is caught in barbed wire, it can quickly become severely hurt, often leaving lasting scars or even permanent injuries.

102- scars actively works within the community to promote responsible companion animal guardianship.

103- A fierce vampaneze who fought against the Vampires in the battle that began the War of the scars.

104- In “Vows”, Victor undergoes an expensive treatment to repair his scars, at Adelle’s personal request.

105- His facial scars protected him from discovery as the SS soldier displayed in the photos from the Warsaw ghetto.

106- He has Kaine’s insane personality and facial scars, and wears a tattered makeshift version of Ben Reilly’s costume.

107- He brushes her hair out of her face to comfort her, she has the same sort of scars and deformities that the man had.

108- Blackberry finds Campion and tells him she loves him despite the scars; He tells her he cannot be with her and runs off.

109- “aa” and “pa” are the anterior and posterior muslcle scars and “ppr” is the scar left by the posterior pedal retractor muscle.

110- On January 22, 2008 scars on Broadway were announced to be performing at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival on April 26, 2008.

111- “Mode of life of Early Devonian Orthonychia protei (Neritimorpha, Gastropoda) inferred from its post-larval shell ontogeny and muscle scars“.

112- Calumn Mackay left scars the year prior to the album’s release, so Steve McLaughlin took over drumming duties for the band at around this time.

113- These scars usually fade over time and the distance between two successive scars is an approximate indicator of the speed of growth of the palm.

114- The press showed Northerners and Southerners, blacks and whites fighting against a common foeCitation needed, helping to ease the scars left from the American Civil War.

115- And once he did not flee a bear attacking him, but having grappled with it he was dragged down from his horse, and here he suffered the wounds of which he later had scars.

More Sentences: 123
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