scapegoat in a sentence

Use ‘scapegoat’ in a sentence | ‘scapegoat’ example sentences

1- Capitalism has become the scapegoat for many social woes.

2- Iverson has been made a scapegoat ever since his trade.

3- The temptation to scapegoat is part of human nature.

4- The scapegoat himself was then sent for extended psychiatric assessment.

5- From this comes the word ” scapegoat “.

6- He specifically rejected any attempt to scapegoat .

7- But Coleman has already once been a political scapegoat .

8- Both men believe Oswald was made a scapegoat .

9- He argued that intelligence agents were often chasing scapegoats .

10- Is the healthcare insurance industry the scapegoat for rising premiums?

11- THERE is nothing more tempting than a rich, powerful scapegoat .

12- All this priestly stuff and the scapegoat ?

13- Forum gets their scapegoat and I am suspended.

14- He knew that Marie was the perfect scapegoat .

15- I could easily have become a scapegoat .

16- Saying, “dont judge me” is a scapegoat .

17- They need a scapegoat for their failed policies.

18- The Bush administration is looking for a scapegoat .

19- Janice was to be made a scapegoat .

20- In fact the scapegoat was soon out of prison.

21- A 2002 book promoted the ‘ scapegoat ‘ argument.

22- scapegoats are always abundant, solutions are rarer.

23- The creation of scapegoats increases group cohesion.

24- My son does NOT have permission to scapegoat me.

25- That is a convenient scapegoat , brilliant if it were true.

26- But Woodson is also a scapegoat for much bigger problems.

27- And this idea that MacFarlane is a ” scapegoat “?

28- Either way , he was made a scapegoat .

29- We will criticize , but never blatantly scapegoat or hate.

30- The Navy needed a scapegoat for this disaster.

31- Bella was just an excuse; a scapegoat .

32- We all need a scapegoat and a silver bullet sometimes!

33- Or are they just looking for a scapegoat ?

34- But , I am being made the scapegoat now.

35- Do they exist or are they a political scapegoat .

36- Jews are used as scapegoats for every evil.

37- My sister , Rebecca, is the favorite scapegoat .

38- Whom here has made Yandle the scapegoat ?

39- Throughout Soviet rule, Jews remained society’s scapegoat .

40- There was no point in looking for ” scapegoats “. Defense attorneys argued the investors were greedy and used Lucas as a scapegoat for their bad deals.

41- His enemies and opponents used him as a scapegoat.

42- Eloise Morin, “Quebec aide scapegoat for Oka, Parizeau says,” Toronto Star, 17 October 1990, A12.

43- Public disgrace with discharge from the service or take the ‘more honorable’ position of scapegoat that he, Colonel Redl, conspired with the Russians.

44- In July, Gallup found for the first time that as many Canadians blamed big government for their troubles as blamed the perennial scapegoat, big labour.

45- Guinevere is portrayed as a scapegoat for violence without developing her perspective or motivation.

46- Cadmann is successively treated as crackpot, savior, scapegoat, and hero as the needs of the colony for his talents change.

47- Of course, from a historical perspective, Jews have always had the unfortunate role of scapegoat thrust upon them.

48- When Kingsley realized Ned was present, he captured and brainwashed the unlucky reporter, deciding it would be better to have a scapegoat in case he became unmasked.

49- Hair said that he was made a scapegoat when he was barred from officiating Test matches after the forfeited Oval Test, as no action was taken against Billy Doctrove.

50- The Arco Trent character was described as a powerful figure in the Administration who had become a scapegoat for a group of corrupt officials involved in arms dealing.

More Sentences: 12
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