scandal in a sentence 4

Use ‘scandal’ in a sentence | ‘scandal’ example sentences

145- Its previous attempt was derailed by a Mexican conflict of interest scandal.

146- 491021More than 80 people have been charged in connection with the scandal.

147- That scandal forced him to resign his post as Lula’s chief of staff in 2005.

148- He personally doesn’t believe the Richmond scandal is still hurting the team.

149- La Casa Pacifica is where Nixon wrote his memoir after the Watergate scandal.

150- Volkswagen has been caught in a deepening scandal since the news broke Friday.

151- Osterloh also acknowledged that recovering from the scandal won’t be painless.

152- Top Brazilian politicians to be investigated in Petrobras graft scandal 07.03.

153- President Barack Obama addressed the scandal Monday at the G7 Summit in Germany.

154- The scandal continues to rock the top echelons of the Argentinean establishment.

155- Their aim was to prevent scandal and hold onto their priests at almost any cost.

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
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