scams in a sentence 2

Use ‘scams’ in a sentence | ‘scams’ example sentences

50- But it gets you down to the level of detail where the loopholes, the scams, and the lobbyists live.

51- 808965The teller stopped him, talked with him and handed him a brochure on Jamaican lottery scams. As more people wise up to age-old PayPal and bank scams, for example, phishing emails are evolving.

52- Authorities insist they have put an end to such scams and some people are making bogus allegations.

53- The so-called Russian and Nigerian scams stand for wholly dissimilar organized-crime traditions; they therefore tend to use altogether different breeds of approaches.

54- B.” O’Brien ( Darren Jeffries ) which saw her on the trail of money making scams.

55- Many business opportunities are outright scams that disappear shortly after taking consumers’ money.

56- To enhance credibility, most such scams are well equipped with fake referrals, testimonials, and information.

57- The USA Federal Government provides practical tips to avoid investment scams via their OnGuard Online website.

58- He now is a financial activist where he exposes corporations, companies and individuals involved in ‘pump and dump’ scams.

59- Finally, a series overview looks at some of the scams pulled by the trio over the last eight programmes and runs through a checklist of lessons learned.

60- Foreign coin scams The obsolete 500 Italian Lira coin, which is similar to the 2 Euro coin.

61- Bank of England scams Chaloner’s next target was the Bank of England which started trading in 1694.

62- NavaShield can be noted for its aggressive tactics compared to similar scams, which gives the term “scareware” a whole new meaning.

63- The Florida land banking scams continue today and are mostly operated outside of the United States.

64- Unlike Bubbles he shows no interest in giving up his addiction and continues thievery and various other scams with Bubbles, despite carrying a colostomy bag.

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