saw in a sentence

Use ‘saw’ in a sentence | ‘saw’ example sentences

1- I saw altogether four aircraft being shot down.

2- They saw evacuation through very different eyes.

3- The mid twentieth century saw several important fossil discoveries.

4- The 2013 season saw several driver changes.

5- I saw older kids treating younger kids nicely.

6- The 2012 season saw several driver changes.

7- The early 1980s saw many tie games.

8- The final term saw ten goals being scored.

9- The 2007 football season saw numerous school records broken.

10- The mid 1990s saw declining ratings.

11- The second half saw much less scoring.

12- These seven years saw 4 drivers clinch world championship titles.

13- The 2005–06 football season saw many corruption scandals.

14- The 19th century saw several notable characters.

15- His third season saw another relegation battle.

16- The 4th century saw major changes.

17- The 20th century saw huge population movements.

18- The sector saw massive job loss since 2009 onwards .

19- I saw little available seating without reservation .

20- I never saw such massive cooking pots .

21- The 20th century saw massive cultural changes.

22- Residential real estate saw continued slow growth.

23- I saw some poorly laid line today.

24- A large support surface for saw operations.

25- She did hit every sale she saw .

26- He saw front page stories in newspapers.

27- I never saw a more beautiful sight.

28- The coal miners rarely saw the sun.

29- Only 10% saw their expenditures decrease.

30- Using the razor saw was very difficult.

31- He saw everything through a red mist.

32- Who saw a consultant within 2 weeks.

33- I saw the tumor inside is esophagus.

34- They saw many other families whose children were battling cancer.

35- Corbett looked wildly around and saw others.

36- We saw red deer and red squirrels.

37- I saw players playing with incredible energy.

38- I never saw such a changed man.

39- In total we saw eighteen different brown bears. Foreign insurance companies saw very modest growth following China’s WTO accession .

40- The third season also saw critical acclaim .

41- They saw analogy as a shared abstraction .

42- What he saw looking through my front door was abundance .

43- What we saw was an act of absolution .

44- The 1850s saw a return to neoabsolutism and abrogation of constitutionalism.

45- Their abolition saw a significant increase of free trade.

46- The crisis nurses saw was not an aberration .

47- I saw a plane.

48- I saw nothing.

49- He saw it also.

More Sentences: 1234
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