saute in a sentence

Use ‘saute’ in a sentence | ‘saute’ example sentences

1- saute on medium high heat until light golden.

2- Add chopped onion and saute until golden.

3- saute tofu until golden brown and firm.

4- saute over medium heat until onions are translucent and mushrooms soften.

5- saute for 2 minutes before adding the coconut milk.

6- saute the fresh mushrooms until tender and golden brown.

7- Add the chopped onion and saute until tender.

8- saute onion until it begins to turn translucent.

9- saute over medium low heat for 5 minutes.

10- Wanna saute some red peppers or broccoli?

11- saute for about 10 minutes stirring frequently .

12- saute until translucent, about 2 minutes.

13- Add tomatoes and herbs and saute one more minute.

14- Add green beans, saute another minute or two.

15- Then, add the ginger garlic paste and saute .

16- Once it has melted, saute the mixture together.

17- saute for 3-4 minutes on medium heat.

18- saute the onion until it begins to soften.

19- saute the onions until they begin to soften.

20- Add the onion and saute for 5 minutes .

21- saute the onions and add the ground meat.

22- Finely chop green onions and saute 1 or 2 minutes.

23- saute meat , poultry and vegetables in broth instead than butter.

24- Once done add your garlic and saute until lightly browned .

25- Add the garlic, onion and mushrooms and saute until soft.

26- saute the onion in one tablespoon of olive oil until tender.

27- In a Dutch oven saute the onion in olive oil.

28- Add the carrots and saute for an additional 3 minutes.

29- Add zucchini and red pepper, saute 2-3 minutes.

30- saute beef cubes on all sides until caramelized.

31- saute mince garlic and sliced onion. 3.

32- Coarsely chop the onion; saute until it turns transparent.

33- Add the garlic and jalapeno and saute until softened.

34- We saute it first with magic sarap before wrapping.

35- saute two chopped onions in some butter until carmelized.

36- Heat a saute , cast iron or grill pan over medium heat.

37- Heat the oil in another pan and saute the onions until tender.

38- Once browned add your tomatoes and saute .

39- Place a large saute pan over med-high heat.

40- When the pepper is soft add the spinach and saute until wilted. Coat a large saute pan with some olive oil and set over medium-high heat.

41- saute until sausage get some color and the onions are soft and lightly golden, about four minutes.

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