satyric in a sentence

Use ‘satyric’ in a sentence | ‘satyric’ example sentences

1- His genre-bending inventiveness is shown above all in “Alcestis”, a blend of tragic and satyric elements.

2- The latest features a contrast between the satyric objectivity in the first part, “Diablo mundo” (“Devil World”), and the evocative, subjective and lyrical tone in the second, “Días felices” (“Happy Days”).

3- According to the author, he originally planned the “The Magic Mountain” as a novella; a humorous, ironic, satirical (and satyric ) pendant to “Death in Venice,” which he had completed in 1912.

4- Martin played a satyric variation of his own womanizing persona as Las Vegas singer Dino in Billy Wilder’s comedy “Kiss Me, Stupid” (1964) with Kim Novak, and he poked fun at his image in films such as the “Matt Helm” spy spoofs of the 1960s, in which he was a co-producer.

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