sandbanks in a sentence

Use ‘sandbanks’ in a sentence | ‘sandbanks’ example sentences

1- It contains environmentally significant habitats and large areas of sandbanks .

2- The boat frequently grounded on the sandbanks .

3- At beach breaks, sandbanks change shape from week to week.

4- Fishing can be done from boats or sandbanks .

5- It is close to sandbanks Provincial Park.

6- The last sand mining company that operated these sandbanks ceased operation in 1989.

7- The sand in these sandbanks comes mainly from the Waikato River.

8- Many cottages are available such as those offered at sandbanks Beach Resort.

9- The southern sandbanks at the entrance are constantly accumulating and releasing this sand.

10- In August, the entertainment moves to the beaches at sandbanks .

11- A location depicting an Alaskan beach was filmed at sandbanks Provincial Park.

12- The shifting sandbanks acquaint it complicated apt peruse the riverbed.

13- Sad that Cafe Shore gets seen as the trophy restaurant of sandbanks .

14- Some 200 German bombs fell on the mud flats and sandbanks off Shoeburyness.

15- On silvery sandbanks hippos and alligators sunned themselves side by side.

16- Entering the harbour was made even more difficult by sandbanks that could shift overnight.

17- They roost and loaf communally on beaches, sandbanks and in shallow water.

18- Moreton Bay is filled with sandbanks .

19- Armoured beaches and submerged offshore sandbanks may also protect parts of a coastline from erosion.

20- I personally liked cafe shore and dont own a gas guzzler or live in sandbanks .

21- Shifting sandbanks disrupted salvage attempts, and the majority of the cargo has never been recovered.

22- The easiest way to reach the area is by chain ferry from sandbanks at Poole.

23- Bus services were extended to Bournemouth with the opening of the sandbanks Ferry in 1925.

24- These treacherous sandbanks shift and change position, and are known locally as “the graveyard”.

25- Said his Majesty: “Just when the sandbanks of the Two-Fish Channel are dry!

26- The region of Barra da Tijuca was originally a huge beach, with typical undergrowth sandbanks .

27- Wading birds collect great quantities of small molluscs from sandbanks and mud flats when the tide retreats.

28- A commercial oyster farm is situated on the sandbanks on the north side of the lower Fleet.

29- When the tide turns, the birds are forced off the sandbanks and gather on the saltmarshes.

30- PEC’s main attraction is sandbanks Provincial Park, attracting thousands of visitors on hot summer days.

31- It is linked to the neighbouring island of Sanday by a road and sandbanks at low tide.

32- Rockling, dabs, odd flounder and school bass at night over the sandbanks at Llandanwg.

33- Viking, Forties, Dogger, Fisher, Sole and Bailey are named after sandbanks .

34- Lack of proper maintenance has resulted in most bends on the River Great Ouse now having massive sandbanks .

35- They protest that their naus were too heavy to risk turning back and running aground into the sandbanks themselves.

36- The sandbanks Ferry links this to the sandbanks area of Poole on the eastern edge of the harbour.

37- The sandbanks Ferry links this to the sandbanks area of Poole on the eastern edge of the harbour.

38- Wasaga Beach, Grand Bend, Sauble Beach, and sandbanks are beaches along the Great Lakes.

39- A modern and stylish open plan apartment located a short drive away from Poole Quay, sandbanks and Bournemouth beaches.

40- sandbanks and coastal marshes are now clear, as are the variations in the sediment load of the estuarine waters. Canford Cliffs is south of Parkstone and north of sandbanks.

41- The harbour is protected by a natural headland ( Hengistbury Head ) at the start of the sandbanks, and is a special site for sand martins which nest annually in the sandy cliffs.

42- sandbanks is run by the government of Ontario, with areas for different types of recreation.

43- There are also sandbanks, coral patches, innumerable farus and submerged shoals (called “haa” in Dhivehi ).

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