samovars in a sentence

Use ‘samovars’ in a sentence | ‘samovars’ example sentences

1- They returned to Italy with the traditional gift of Tula samovars with certificates of commendation from the Russian government.

2- There was a time, before the break up of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, when Georgia was part of Russia’s empire and this northerly mountain region provided most of the tea that filled Russian samovars .

3- The cosy log cabins designed in old Russian style attract visitors who can enjoy beautiful wood-carving, visit a museum of samovars , buy some souvenirs made by local craftsmen and have a good meal with Russian vodka or tea.

4- Wright incorporated practical mid-century ideas like “stackable” creamers and sugar bowls in colors of “ice blue and pink sherbet” as well as unique serving pieces such as samovars for sauces and gravies.

5- However its prevalence is attributed to the Russian invaders in the 19th century – at this time samovars imported from Russia become commonplace in Polish homes.

6- days of onion domes and samovars .

7- “The samovars ” duet with P. Bogachev (music A. Novikov; lyrics: S. Alimov) (1982/92) In 1856 Nikita Lisitsyn received a medal and a kaftan in recognition of a quality of his samovars.

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