salutary in a sentence

Use ‘salutary’ in a sentence | ‘salutary’ example sentences

1- The total refugee picture suggests some salutary reflections.

2- More simple salutary lessons were being learned in Britain too.

3- Which is why Kennedy ‘s book makes such salutary reading.

4- Experience of reality provides the salutary lesson.

5- The US experience offers some salutary warnings.

6- Both provide a salutary corrective to aspects of orthodox economic theory.

7- A salutary warning: too much effort can be counterproductive.

8- It was a great and salutary measure of prevention.

9- It was to prove a salutary and startling education.

10- Losses of men and equipment were serious and salutary .

11- It is salutary to bear this in mind.

12- It’s a salutary lesson for brands.

13- The spirit of Moore’s approach to such matters is salutary .

14- Both these experiences were to prove salutary for him.

15- He cannot renounce that which is salutary .

16- It’s a salutary lesson for you is it?

17- Mr Lisboa highlights two salutary examples from recent years.

18- Dr Lovelock’s suggestion is salutary none the less.

19- Such a rapid improvement in his professional standing proved far from salutary .

20- What in other hands might have been vandalism had a salutary effect.

21- Hybridization is a salutary quest for humanity.

22- CO2 has a salutary effect by diffusing through the human skin.

23- This trial was destined to be a salutary one to them.

24- The experience was a salutary one for most of the pupils.

25- Listening to those criticisms has taught me a salutary and humbling lesson.

26- Indeed, Evangelicals considered fear of death to be salutary .

27- There are salutary lessons here for the rest of the public sector too .

28- For that reason they consider faith such an extraordinarily important and salutary matter.

29- This has a salutary restraining influence.

30- There is salutary contempt, however.

31- This, you might think, must have been a salutary experience.

32- The Discours Merveilleux explicitly gives itself a nationalist and salutary objective.

33- It was salutary that the poll experts were dished, pundits confounded.

34- This amendment has the salutary effect of lessening court intervention while promoting party autonomy.

35- This squire is benevolent and salutary to his community and his family.

36- Laughing has first of all a direct salutary effect upon our bodies.

37- He was far from thinking his writings could have such a salutary effect.

38- This knowledge could be very salutary .

39- It’s a very salutary lesson.

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