saltwater in a sentence 2

Use ‘saltwater’ in a sentence | ‘saltwater’ example sentences

51- A number of fishing tournaments take place annually like the Angling for conservation by PGFA conducted Pakistan wide in freshwater, saltwater and brackish water bodies.

52- A crossing of saltwater Creek a short distance east of Bundaberg station was necessary.

53- This denser saltwater sinks by convection and the replacing seawater is subject to the same process.

54- Levees are used to protect the rice paddy fields from the channels of saltwater which overflow during high tide.

55- The warm ocean currents that enter the bay from the larger Gulf of St. Lawrence result in some of the warmest saltwater on the Atlantic coast north of the state of Virginia.

56- Live rock becomes the main biological nitrification base or biological filter of a saltwater aquarium.

57- The island and adjacent islets comprise Patos Island State Park, a -acre (0 km 2 ) marine park with feet (0 m) of saltwater shoreline.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
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