saline in a sentence 2

Use ‘saline’ in a sentence | ‘saline’ example sentences

51- “Use of hypertonic saline solutions in treatment of cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension”.

52- Normal saline versus pentastarch Casualty Pentastarch in the emergency setting is not well studied and its use not of proven benefit.

53- Halophiles are a group of bacteria that live in highly saline environments, and indeed in many cases require the salinity to survive.

54- Tris-buffered saline (abbreviated TBS) is a buffer used in some biochemical techniques to maintain the pH within a relatively narrow range.

55- The saline springs were also the site of the first settlement, made by Seymour Treat in 1819, along with the Beckwith and Whitcomb families.

56- In some cases, when increasing oral fluids and salt intake is not enough, intravenous saline is used to help increase blood volume, as many POTS patients suffer from hypovolemia.

57- The ocular surface is kept moist using sterile saline eyedrops or methylcellulose viscoelastic.

58- saline formations contain highly mineralized brines, and have so far been considered of no benefit to humans.

59- To assure proper contact between the inmate’s head and the electrode, a saline-soaked sponge stuffed between the two was necessary.

60- Wildlife Vegetation in the Dasht-e Kavir is adapted to the hot and arid climate as well as to the saline soil in which it is rooted.

61- Thus, when King saline IV was killed in an attack while Stanley was away, Stanley and his side were not dissolved and retook the city.

62- Double Blind Randomized Trial of saline vs Pentaspan for Resuscitation After Cardiac Surgery.

63- The saline Valley Warm Springs, as they are called, have become controversial in recent years.

64- Rapid salination occurs when the land surface is within the capillary fringe of saline groundwater.

65- Milan High School and Pinckney High School were also members (along with saline, Chelsea, Dexter, Tecumseh, and Lincoln).

66- The EPOC is the first commercial BCI to use dry sensor technology, which can be dampened with a saline solution for a better connection.

67- A coma is first induced by intravenous administration of 20 mg/kg thiopental sodium (Nesdonal) in a small volume (10 ml physiological saline).

68- Research The Directorate of Wieringermeer wanted to study the behavior of a soil recovered from the sea, and how saline soils can be cultivated.

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