salient in a sentence 2

Use ‘salient’ in a sentence | ‘salient’ example sentences

51- The Russians made efforts to exploit this salient.

52- However, loss aversion may be more salient when people compete.

53- Sign names are often chosen based on a salient physical property.

54- 1943 Army Group Centre evacuated the Rzhev salient early in 1943.

55- This offensive was stopped at the point the Allies were closest to being forced to abandon the salient.

56- To summarize: Affine invariant saliency detector is invariant to affine transformation and able to detect more generate salient regions.

57- However, if members are concerned with making the best decision possible, this bias becomes less salient.

58- Because we were inside the salient, they could shell us not just from the front, but from both sides too.

59- In July, 8. (Pz) was transferred for Operation “Zitadelle”, the German offensive against the Kursk salient.

60- He received a curt telephone message telling him that, in Sir John’s opinion, he had adequate troops to defend the salient.

61- Summary Errors and Expectations devotes a chapter to eight of the (at the time) most salient considerations in basic writing.

62- Legacy Kenton was a salient figure on the American musical scene and made an indelible mark on the arranged type of big band jazz.

63- These German positions dominated Ypres and unless neutralised, would be able to enfilade any British attack eastwards from the salient.

64- The Corps front now formed a deep salient into enemy territory, which might have disintegrated with complete encirclement as its final destiny.

65- The Mule Shoe salient formed a bulge in the Confederate lines, a strategic portion of vital high ground but one which was vulnerable to attack on three sides.

66- The corps finally went into action on 17 May simultaneously with a massive surprise attack by First Panzer Army against the southern flank of the Soviet salient.

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