sailors in a sentence

Use ‘sailors’ in a sentence | ‘sailors’ example sentences

1- But many sailors had a different mentality.

2- The crash killed 11 sailors and injured 30.

3- Two sailors were killed and several were seriously wounded.

4- Other southern states also passed laws against free black sailors .

5- Pirates were often former sailors used to naval warfare.

6- Good diagrams showing how light sailors must tack.

7- A rescue operation recovered 58 survivors but 46 sailors were killed .

8- The sailors carried endemic Eurasian infectious diseases.

9- The attacking force consisted of ten companies of sailors .

10- Future consideration of sailors as infantry must consider combat support services.

11- A sailors delight with beautiful bays and beaches.

12- It also has facilities for disabled sailors .

13- Another 11 were seriously damaged and about 200 sailors drowned.

14- German casualties amounted to 16 civilians and 116 sailors dead.

15- The sailors were quietly waiting for this moment.

16- She committed suicide rather than being raped by drunken sailors .

17- There are also marching sailors wearing white shirts and blue trousers.

18- The sailors started 170 fires before returning to their base.

19- The second flagship had an additional 13 officers and 59 sailors .

20- Members are sailors and use naval ranks.

21- The replica has a crew of 80 sailors .

22- Five sailors were injured in the incident.

23- A very large proportion of the inhabitants are sailors .

24- About 70 vessels were sunk and 200 sailors lost their lives.

25- That is of enslaved sailors on slave ships.

26- German sailors would later omit the fried egg.

27- Three sailors were killed nevertheless by the defenders.

28- These sailors also introduced rats onto the islands.

29- And still they spend like drunken sailors .

30- There is a public perception that sailors swear constantly.

31- The sailors hauled in their amazing catch.

32- These trips are fine for novice and experienced sailors alike.

33- She took on board over 200 sailors .

34- The early foreign residents of California were largely runaway sailors .

35- The Liverpool lads were chasing the sailors downhill.

36- Maybe he drank – sailors usually drink.

37- Several sailors notice Toro kneeling near some flowers.

38- The ninth map features Russian sailors and divers.

39- On deck, dead sailors litter the planks.

40- The four sailors had been in captivity since November 2006. The sailors saw land.

41- The sailors sang merry songs.

42- The sailors perished in the sea.

43- The sailors abandoned the burning ship.

44- She has three sons, who became sailors.

45- The sailors were at the mercy of the weather.

46- The bad weather hampered efforts to rescue the sailors.

47- The sailors watched the horizon for signs of the pirate ships.

48- The sailors scrutinized the horizon for signs of the pirate ships.

49- All the skill of the sailors gave way to the violence of the storm.

50- All the skill of the sailors fell before the violence of the storm.

More Sentences: 1234
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