sail south in a sentence

Use ‘sail south’ in a sentence | ‘sail south’ example sentences

1- He initially sailed south before turning northeast toward Newport.

2- Federal ships sailed south and blocked off one port after another.

3- She sailed south at 2200 the same day.

4- On 28 October, she sailed south .

5- Others also sailed south along the coast of Africa.

6- He sailed south with her on 14 October 1901.

7- In the meantime, Moore sailed south with the fleet.

8- In early January 1943, the S-boat sailed south .

9- On 27 September, she cleared the exercise area and sailed south .

10- Two days later, the ship sailed south to Military Region 3.

11- In 1188 Sverre sailed south with a large fleet.

12- The “Speedwell” and the cutter turned around and sailed south .

13- On 8 September, Perry departed Adak and sailed south .

14- On 17 September Ramsay sailed south .

15- When Guam was finally secured, we sailed south to the Philippines.

16- The American ships sailed south , and attacked Okinawa from 1 March.

17- He then sailed south to Albany.

18- Thorfinn and Biarni and all their men sailed south again.

19- Just after dawn the decoy force sailed south to join the main landings.

20- In spring 1194 Sverre sailed south to confront the Øyskjeggene.

21- In October, “Saipan” again sailed south to the Caribbean.

22- You’ve got to sail south , then half way round the reef.

23- Two weeks later she sailed south to San Diego for pre-deployment training operations.

24- Sailing south , “Berkeley” arrived in Subic Bay on 11 November.

25- During this time the British task force was already sailing south towards the Falklands.

26- The next day, they continued to sail south , assisted by favorable winds.

27- They sailed south to Clayoquot Sound, where they stayed for two weeks.

28- Sailed south through magnificent scenery to Sivota; picnic en route, explored cave.

29- She sailed south to the Panama Canal and traversed the locks on 28 August.

30- Unaware of the world’s reactions, “Fram” sailed south for four months.

31- The following summer he sailed south , landing at Ross’s inlet on the Barrier.

32- She finally became free and the expedition sailed south , reaching Seattle for repairs in 1921.

33- In January 1904 “Scotia” sailed south again, to explore the Weddell Sea.

34- Howe then did in fact embark his army and sailed south with his brother’s fleet.

35- After making landfall Vespucio decided to separate from the flotilla and he sailed south towards Brazil.

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