sail in a sentence 2

Use ‘sail’ in a sentence | ‘sail’ example sentences

51- The Daitomaru is scheduled to sail at .

52- They will set sail for Bombay next Monday.

53- The ship is about to sail for Manila tomorrow.

54- He realized his ambition to sail around the world.

55- The ship set sail only to be wrecked two days after.

56- The ship will be ready to sail, if the weather permits.

57- It took courage to sail across the Pacific singlehanded.

58- We tied down the sails because it was too windy to sail.

59- I’ve always hoped to sail across the Pacific in a yacht.

60- He failed in the attempt to sail across the Pacific Ocean.

61- Stormy weather foiled their attempt to sail around the island.

62- We lashed down the sails because it was too windy to sail.

63- lastChristopher Columbus set sail for the New World on a Friday in 1492.

64- An Italian proverb advises that one should learn to sail in all winds.

65- In 1492, Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain seeking a new route to the Indies.

66- Louisa May Alcott once remarked, “I’m not afraid of storms, for I’m learning to sail my ship.

67- “Augustus Hare once observed that thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.

68- In 1488, Bartolomeu Dias led the first European expedition to sail around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope.

69- The British ship Carpathia was the first ship to sail to the aid of the Titanic after it hit an iceberg.

70- Sir Francis Drake led the second expedition to sail around the world in a voyage lasting from 1577 to 1580.

71- The long ships of the Vikings were driven by a large, square sail, but they could also be rowed if necessary.

72- The curvature of the earth makes it look like you will sail off the edge of the world if you head for the horizon.

73- Discussion question: If you immigrated to a foreign country, what aspects of your culture would you want to safeguard? sailThe flying snake of Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon, and sail like a glider from tree to tree.

74- The curvature of the Earth makes it look like you will sail off the edge of the world if you head for the horizon.

75- cushionThe flying snake of Java and Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon, and sail like a glider from tree to tree.

76- Fourteen years before the Titanic set sail, a fictional novel was published about a luxury liner that sinks after hitting an iceberg.

77- In February of 1784, the first trading ship sent to China from the United States set sail from New York, arriving in China in August.

78- The small ships which sail up and down the coast take some passengers, but their main business is carrying freight to coastal communities.

79- There is an Irish proverb which states that the three most beautiful sights are a potato garden in bloom, a ship under sail, and a woman after the birth of a child.

80- The crew of the ship “The Bounty” lived among the Tahitian people for five months in 1788, and it was with great sadness that they set sail for Jamaica at the end of their stay on the island.

81- The crew of the ship “The Bounty” lived among the Tahitian people for five months in 1788, and it was with great reluctance that they set sail for Jamaica at the end of their stay on the island.

82- Mark Twain once said that twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

83- So sail away from the safe harbor.

84- Explore.

85- Dream.

86- Discover.

87- It will hurtle through the cosmos thanks to a large, solar-powered sail.

88- The hijacked ship was forced to sail towards a pirate enclave near El Hur.

89- 287045He set sail on a ship called Strathmore and then lived in Mandurah.

90- It will be run by the Lunenburg Marine Museum Society once it is ready to sail.

91- “I’d like to see somebody sail her for a summer and then give her to the museum.

92- The detained refugees were preparing to sail to Greece, Turkish authorities said.

93- Crews will be penalized if they sail over these boundaries toward hazardous areas.

94- 799628The Sierra-Leone-flagged cargo ship apparently set sail from Turkey, he said.

95- 520166Now we have found our crew and I am happy to sail with them to Margaritaville.”

96- The newest strategy is not to sail all of the ships in any flotilla into Israeli hands.

97- We also hop onboard the ‘Climate sail‘ boat on its way to the UN climate summit in Paris.

98- I have constant back and shoulder aches and regularly sail perilously close to clinical depression.

99- The transporter, registered in Singapore, set sail from Southampton at about 20:20 GMT on Saturday.

100- A solitary speck of boat bobs on the water, tacking into a gentle breeze with its single white sail.

More Sentences: 1234
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