saggier in a sentence

Use ‘saggier’ in a sentence | ‘saggier’ example sentences

1- I have small stretch marks all around my breasts which I hate because they make them look saggier .

2- He has aged noticeably in the intervening seven years: his skin is saggier , the wrinkles deeper and more pronounced.

3- My right breast is larger and saggier than the left because that is the side my children favored when I breastfed.

4- Now that I have lost weight, they have gotten somewhat saggier and have stretch marks along the top and sides.

5- This year my breasts have grown a little bigger, so they’re saggier and have some stretchmarks, which they didn’t have before.

6- As I was developing, I remember thinking it was strange that my areolas were larger than my friends, and later, that my breasts were also much saggier .

7- I think that my breasts will get saggier with age, and I havent got erect nipples, but of course I want erect nipples.

8- “On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.”

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