safety match in a sentence

Use ‘safety match’ in a sentence | ‘safety match’ example sentences

1- They called them ” safety matches “.

2- The safety match became available to Canadians about mid-century.

3- Mr. Mailer was a safety match , and did not burn long.

4- Sivakasi is the leader in printing, fireworks, safety matches production in India.

5- The flushing loo , the ballpoint pen and the safety match merit a mention.

6- Features: weatherproof safety matches which burn with an extra large flame for 12 seconds. He placed a large order for amorphous phosphorus with Albright and Wilson and this led to the foundation of the Swedish safety match Industry.

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safety recordsafety netsafety pinsafety beltsafety lampsafety catchsafety glasssafety matchsafety razorsafety stocksafety valvesafety culturesafety curtainsafety officersafety in numbers

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