safeguards in a sentence 2

Use ‘safeguards’ in a sentence | ‘safeguards’ example sentences

50- The Land Sales Disclosure Act of 1968 provided safeguards against fraudulent practices in the sale of land.

51- Such a cyber attack would bypass the physical safeguards in place and so the exploit demonstrates an important new vulnerability.

52- The BAN program certifies organizations that meet strict environmental and operational standards and safeguards.

53- The Ordinance also provides strict safeguards on the confidentiality of data pertaining to individuals or undertakings.

54- July 9, 2008: The draft India-specific safeguards accord with the IAEA circulated to IAEA’s Board of Governors for approval.

55- Romania’s membership of ESA leads to important safeguards for both the research and development, and national high-tech industry.

56- DESO takes on all components (safeguards, technical, procurement, financial management) when dealing with water and cities projects.

57- Blon is capable of creating worm-like creatures, possibly the same way the Safeguard use to ‘download’ common safeguards to any location.

58- The safeguards relate mainly to risks that may arise by having off duty officers in uniform at an event policed by officers wearing uniform.

59- While accepting safeguards at declared facilities, Iraq had set up elaborate equipment elsewhere in an attempt to enrich uranium to weapons grade.

60- By allowing Leeson, as trading floor manager, to settle his own trades, Barings short-circuited normal accounting and internal control/audit safeguards.

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