sad expression in a sentence

Use ‘sad expression’ in a sentence | ‘sad expression’ example sentences

1- He smiled a little, without altering the sad expression .

2- He looked at me with a gentle, sad expression on his face.

3- They have got everything from places to take in a lot of sad expressions as good.

4- I saw him arriving through the iron bars of my window, and was struck by his sad expression .

5- To die!” She spoke with passion and with a sad expression , then gazing away in thought.

6- It’s a useful discovery, if a somewhat sad expression of the state of support for these things.

7- The frightening expression on Sun’s face fades, leaving a somber, almost sad expression , as the dragoness stares out at the city scape.

8- There was a sad expression in them, as though he could read her thoughts and wanted to convince her that she was mistaken.

9- When the mothers exhibited a sad expression , some babies responded by sucking their tongues and lips, something they had not done at any other time.

10- This can make our faces appear more “sunken in,” and can cause skin to sag and form folds resulting in a more aged appearance or a tired or sad expression . She wore a sad expression.

11- The fishermen have a very sad expression and some are even crying, but she does not see her husband.

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